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Sara woke up early and she getting ready for school. Edmund's sleep was flustered by the screaming voice of Sara


Edmund; Aish you stupid let me sleep five more minutes

Sara making him get up and she threw him to the bathroom. Then she ate her breakfast hastily and she waiting for Edmund. One elder maid serving Edmund at that time Sara talking with Ria and she told her she was going to ask Mr Kim he is married or not. Ria advises her to think twice before you ask him Sara nodded and Mrs Winslet came and greet her children and she said to them sorry dears today Amma can't drop her in school so today driver uncle will drop you both ok dears. Sara and Edmund hugged her and went to the car

                 At School

Edmund said to Sara, Mr Kim never fell on you because you know you are such a dumb character and if he sees your eating style I hope he will die by laughing. Sara already killed him many times in her mind, now she's going to attack him but he starts running Sara follows him then she accidentally fell on one person but that person hold her hip Sara has already closed her eyes in panic when she opened it she saw the cold soul-piercing gaze


     She stammering by his cold stare

Mr Kim: You're always messing me aren't you?

Sara: No no sir that's not my intention, I just fell on you accidentally I'm sorry for that and I promise you never do this mistake again

Mr Kim: Don't give a promise you are not going to fulfil that, if you give the promise then try to accomplish it

Sara: Ok sir

Mr Kim: Hmm

Sara still not ok she is blushing because he was holding her hips and once again she fell on his deep voice then she enters her classroom, Sara was fell, then she realised she was fell by the legs of Karina this time Sara can't control her anger and she going to throw the duster to Karina, unfortunately, it was attacked Mr Kim who was opened and enters the classroom at that time Mr Kim slowly took his step towards Sara, but this time Sara scared and she steps backwards then she feels her back hit the wall Mr Kim came to her close and he said

Mr Kim: You broke your promise right?

Sara didn't say anything to him she was keep on looking at the floor at the same time her eyes were filled with tears

Mr Kim: Go to your place

Sara just nodded and she went to her place, she removes her spectacles and wiping her tears

Mr Kim starts his lectures, her beat was stopped for each gaze of Mr Kim.finally his hour came to an end and he giving assignment and leave.

Natalia reaches Sara and comforts her for the morning scenario when Sara began to spoke one boy came and said to Sara One staff asked him to call Sara so that she was immediately headed to the staff room. Sara leaves Natalia and she went to the staff room

She enters the staff room no one was there Sara confused and began to walk back


Sara slowly turns her head she was already frozen in her place by that voice of depth. When she turned around she saw Mr Kim was standing there, she gulped hard while he walks towards her he almost very close to her only a few inches away she tightly closed her eyes she can feel his hot breath.

Mr Kim: Open your eyes
      She gulped hard but she can't open her eyes he said again I told you to open your eyes, this time he said a little bit harsh she slowly opens her eyes.

Mr Kim: I'm not married and I warn you don't dare flourish any feelings towards me got it

  Sara was confused by his words she had no idea how he knows her doubt and feelings towards him, she didn't even share it to Natalia she shared everything to Ria then how is this possible

Sara: B-b-but sir

Mr Kim: leave

Sara: Sir

Mr Kim: I said leave

Then Sara left that place she made her footsteps to her classroom she said everything to Natalia and she also confused by his actions their conversation was interrupted by the announcement

Attention please our school conducting sports day on the day after tomorrow so those who are willing to join the sports you can give your name to sports staff
Those who have not participated can come as an audience and encourage your teammates Thank you.

Natalia: Wow I'm waiting for this I'm going to give my name in tennis, Sara do you wanna participate in any sports??

Sara: No Nattie I'm still confused by the actions of Mr Kim

Natalia: Come on I'm also confused but if you keep on thinking that you might get depression so involve yourself in other activities

Sara: It's ok Nattie you participate and I will encourage you and don't worry I'm ok

Natalia: Ok dear now I'm going to give my name

Sara nodded and Natalia left that place

Time flies very quickly but Sara can't get through her thoughts she can't wait to tell everything to Ria when Sara and Edmund reached their house Sara ran fastly and hugged Ria then she told everything happened to her. Ria hugged back her and she calming Sara but Sara didn't tell anything to Edmund.

At night Mr Winslet came to Sara and Ed's room he noticed the changing behaviour of Sara,he asked her friendly but she didn't tell him anything she just tell she's getting tired so she didn't speak to anyone. Mr Winslet nodded and kissed her forehead and left that room. She said to herself only vampires can read mind, was he vampire ah no no vampires doesn't exist she controlling her thoughts and try to sleep but she can't control her feelings towards Mr Kim she keeps on thinking about him and slowly she fell asleep

In Winslet's room :

Fiona: I'm afraid of my kids future what can we do if they come to take their vengeance?

Mr Winslet: It can't be, I hope none of them was alive

Fiona: Are you dumb? His wife and his last son were alive u don't know that?

Mr Winslet: Don't worry sweety they're also died by the grief of their great loss

Fiona: I don't know but something is not right

Mr Winslet: Don't stress yourself let's sleep tomorrow we have to go in the early morning

Fiona nodded and they fell asleep.

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