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....Sara just closes her mouth with her hands and she kept her sobbing inside her.

She fell napping as soon as she wakes up by the sunlight hits her face. She didn't wanna go to school but she getting ready for her school.

Edmund: Sara You don't think about anything that happened yesterday 

Sara thinks in her mind how can I neglect that incident but she didn't want to show this to him

Sara: Ok Ed, I'm fine

Edmund nodded and hugs her, soon they came out of their room they went to their breakfast. Fiona and Winslet have an important meeting so they have to go earlier, they finished their breakfast and Fiona and Winslet hugs her children and went to the car.

Sara was afraid to go to school because she doesn't have any dare to face Mr Kim, she walking on her mansion's balcony she keeps thinking about that suddenly she feels one hand touching her shoulder. Sara's soul enters into the world of fear.

She puts up with her all vitality and turns back, she saw Ria was standing and her eyes were full of tears Sara hugs her and wipes her tears.

As Edmund came Sara says bye to her and went to the car.

Sara's POV:

I want to share this with someone and I wanna cry my lungs out, I already felt my soul left my body im just like a walking dead person at the same time I have to save my lovable ones from Kim because this is my fault to love him.

End of Sara's pov

At Winslet's office:

Manager: Excuse me, Sir

Winslet: Come in

Manager: Sir I wanna share with you one important matter 

Winslet: Go ahead

Manager: I have some photos of Sara and one weird man

Mr Winslet closes his laptop and gets up from his place he narrows his eyebrows and he takes a picture from him he saw, Sara and Mr Kim were hugging in the picture, Mr Winslet didn't see it properly later he sees the picture it was the strange man who came to his office before

Mr Winslet: Valerian don't dare to touch my child she is innocent

Within a minute he calls Ria,

Winslet: Ria, don't let children go to school

Ria: Sir but they already have gone to the school

Winslet: WHAT? They go with the driver Right?

There was no reply comes from Ria

Winslet: RIA RIA

He almost growls and cuts the call and he calls the driver,

At car:

Sara laid her head in the windows abruptly her car was stopped, Sara and Edmund sees the Vanta Black colour car was aggressively roaring in front of their car,

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