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Sara was awake in the middle of the night and she can't stop thinking about Mr Kim, suddenly she received a call from Mr Kim I'm waiting for you outside come outside sweetie, Sara didn't wait for a second she came outside of her house.

She's searching for Mr Kim but no one was there. Her eyes were closed by two hands from her back, she holds his hands and turns back Mr Kim was standing there, Sara hugs him tightly and he also hugs her back.

Mr Kim and Sara walking on the bridge by holding their hands. There was no light, the big moon's light only there. Mr Kim grabs Sara's hip and pulls her close towards him. Sara seeing his deep intense gaze, Mr Kim also seeing her innocent eyes, he placed his lips on Sara's soft lips. Sara closed her eyes and feels his addictive move.

He takes his lips back, Sara opens her eyes slowly she saw his eyes were filled with tears, Sara hugs him tightly. Suddenly, one hand grabs her hair, Mr Kim holds her hips, Sara turns back and see, A man wearing a black hoodie and black mask. He takes her from Mr Kim's hands by snatching her hair.

Sara tries to turn but she can't by the grip of that man. Finally, Sara turns back and screaming Mr Kim's name but no one was there but Sara continuously screaming his name.

That man takes her to the woods and he tied her by ropes. Sara had no idea what's going on around her. She asks him, Who is he? but that man didn't reply anything, he takes one knife and he makes it sharp.

Sara went to the peak of panic. She begging him for mercy but he didn't show anything. Finally, he sharpened his knife and comes towards Sara. Sara was crying and screaming with her lungs out.

He raised his hands and he says to her, Don't you wanna know who I am? Sara stops her crying and sees him with curiosity. He raised his one hand which grabbing the knife and one hand removes his mask and he stabbed Sara's heart. Sara touches her blood then she was screaming by seeing his eyes she can only see his eyes. Sara closed her eyes tightly. His eyes were crimson red.

Sara crying out and opens her eyes,  she wakes up from her bed, she sees that a hoodie man was seeing her through the windows, Sara gets up and she hugs Edmund tightly.

Edmund: Sara Why are you crying? Answer me

Sara still hugs him and sobbing on his shoulder, Edmund also hugs her and making her calm.

Edmund: Sara tell me do you have any nightmares?

Sara: Ed it was real, not the nightmare I saw him here 

Edmund: Who Sara?

Sara: I don't know but his eyes Crimson red!

Edmund: Sara you are afraid now and no one was there so don't cry

Sara: But Ed, Me and Mr Kim ( she says her nightmare to Edmund )

Edmund: Okay interesting but where is your boyfriend went to? Did he hide because of that cruel man? Ooo, poor Sara, you are the pity full creature in this world. Haha, even your boyfriend didn't come to save you. So take your brother everywhere you will be safe.

Sara: Shut up I'm worried about Mr Kim, I can't wait to see him tomorrow

Edmund: Argh come on it's just a nightmare because of your Vampire Fictions Sleep now

Sara: I try to sleep and you too sleep brother and thank you for always with me

Edmund: Welcome welcome sleep now

Sara nodded and she was laying beside him and she confused about the hoodie man who appeared on the window she was afraid to see windows.

As the dawn appears, Fiona comes to Sara and Edmund room, she pats Sara's head, Sara got up furiously and hugs Fiona. Fiona asks her,

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