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The next morning as usual Sara woke up earlier and she getting ready for school, but she is still confused about how he knew her mind and she didn't eat well. Fiona noticed every action of Sara.
Edmund is also ready for school and they going to their car parking area.

Fiona grab the hand of Sara, Sara turn to her,

Fiona: What happened, dear? seems like you're not ok

Sara: Nothing Amma I'm alright

Fiona: No dear, you didn't even eat your breakfast well. What's happening to you?

Sara: Amma I'm not hungry, and bye Amma we'll see on the evening

Sara hugged her mother and she went inside the car. Edmund also confused by her sudden change but he didn't ask anything to her. When they reach their school Sara walked fast to her classroom. She turns around and searching Natalia but Natalia was on the ground due to sports day Sara sighed herself and she went to sit her place then she blankly sees the windows.

Suddenly a paper ball was hit her cheeks she turns and she saw Karina, this time Sara can't control her anger she threw her pouch harshly at Karina, fortunately, that pouch hits Karina's face then Karina was filled with full of rage.

Then the door was suddenly opened everyone turns their head towards the door, Sara was frozen at her place, when she turning her head towards the door she saw Mr Kim was standing there he even didn't blink at once. Karina use this situation and she ran towards Mr Kim she complains to Sara him.

Mr Kim: Sara

Once again Sara was timid in her place by his deep breathy voice. She just seeing the floor and didn't reply.

Mr Kim:  Are you deaf? Or you are avoiding me?

Sara: Sir ( she gulped hard, then she began to speak ) she is the one who attacks me first, she keeps on messing me since my first day in this school

Karina: No sir she is lying and she always jealous of me that's why she's hit me by pouch ( she starts her crocodile tears)

Sara: No Sir, she is the li ( her words are cut by Mr Kim)

Mr Kim: Sara today you have detention. for you didn't reply to me. After school, you have to stay one hour.

Karina smirked at Sara and went to her place. Meanwhile, Sara is half happy for she gonna spend time with Mr Kim and she is half sad for her poor feelings.
At the interval, Sara went to the ground and she's searching for Natalia.

Natalia: Sara

Sara: Hey Nattie

Natalia was breathing heavily she's is full of sweats due to practice. Sara told everything Natalia and Natalia said don't worry Sara I'm also here on this ground extra hours for practice after school.
Sara feeling relaxed by the words of Natalia then the bell rang Sara said bye to Natalia and she went to her class.

Her whole day was passing dreary without Nattie she felt lonely on the whole day. After that, the school is over Sara went to Edmund and she said to him, I have extra classes so tell driver uncle to pick me up after one hour. Edmund just nodded and left that place. Then she went to her class she saw everyone left that class she was the only one in the class, she takes a deep breath and sits on the first bench. She hears that door opening sound.

Mr Kim: So you are enjoying your detention isn't it?

Sara: No no sir

Mr Kim: Hmm
              Take your chemistry book and learn the eleventh chapter

He said to her and he sits In Front of her.
For the whole time, he didn't turn his gaze and watching her with his soul-piercing gaze. She's already half-dead by his gaze when she turned her head up and looking at him.

Mr Kim: What do you want?

Sara: N-nothing sir

Mr Kim: Hmm nothing then studies don't look at my face

Once again Sara fell in love with him she's blushing. Suddenly her lips were parted her vision was blurred then she going to fall on the floor she felt warm hands hold her hip but her vision was suddenly turned into black.

At ground:

Natalia: Sir what happened why are you taking her? Why she's unconscious??

Mr Kim: I don't know suddenly she fell and she went unconscious.

Natalia: Sara open your eyes what happened to you? ( She almost crying)

At that time Sara's car driver came and he is shocked Natalia told him they did first aid but she didn't open her eyes then Nattie said to the car driver, immediately take her to the hospital her car driver nodded Mr Kim put Sara in the car.

Car driver told everything to Mr Winslet when he gonna reply Mr Winslet,

Sara: What happened to me? How I'm into this car?

The car driver stopped the car by shock and turn to her,

Car Driver: Miss Sara are you ok?

Sara: Yes uncle take me to my house

He drove her to his house Mr Winslet came to hug her tightly and he asks her,

Mr Winslet: Are you ok dear? What happened to you?

Sara: I don't know anything Appa maybe it caused me because I didn't eat well in the morning

Mr Winslet hugs her again and told her to eat properly but Fiona always suspicious of Sara's behaviour.

Edmund and Sara playing computer games at that time Ria came to her and asked her 'What happened to you and how you went to the unconscious? ' Sara told her that she didn't know anything and she's also curious about that. Suddenly Ria saw that one mosquito in Sara's neck, Ria hits that mosquito and she saw the bite of that mosquito.

Sara said thank to Ria then she told about her detention. Ria hugs Sara and she patted her back, Sara also hugs her.

At Winslet's room:

Fiona: My mind is not working something bad going to happen to us

Winslet: SHUT UP ( he almost growling)
               Still, you think about the penniless creatures and you knew well they already demolished, so come out of your barren thoughts.

Fiona: You don't have an idea about what's happening around us? You know Sara is not ok for two days, even she's didn't eat well and

   Her words were cut by Mr Winslet grabbing her shoulders aggressively and pinned her to the wall and he said,

Mr Winslet: You know what, I'm a world-famous businessman and no one can beat me or my children mind it!

He said by taking the ice cubes then put them into the glass and put some beer into it then left the place. Still, Fiona was not ok her mind was disturbed, she covered her face and started to crying.

Meanwhile, Sara and Edmund fell asleep and they sleep peacefully.

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