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He ran too hastily, finally, he comes to the woods. He bent down, touching his limb and breathing heavily now he enters that dark place, it was the place like the dark black sky on above, there was the castle far away. The Bulwark was surrounded by ash clouds.

 The Bulwark was surrounded by ash clouds

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He began to walk towards the Castle. When he reached the bulwark he sniffed deeply and he enters the Castle. The werewolves were welcomed him, and one of them was taking him to the throne.

Finally, you came here

One middle-aged female voice said to him. She's wearing a long deep black gown. He bent towards her and said to her.

I'm not finished with our vengeance I just came here to see you

Then she replied to him I too miss you, my son. I'm always thinking about you and you are the only reason I live if something happens to you then

Her words are cut by his protective hug, he said to her,

Don't worry, nothing will happen to me, he gritted his teeth and tell to her, he sowed already so he has to reap what he sowed. Then he lightly patted her head and wiping her tears. Then he said it's time to go, next time I will come to you with our Vengeance.

She kissed his forehead, he smiled at her and leave that locale.

He reached the woods it's almost dawn.

At Winslet's mansion:

It was the sports day in Sara and Edmund's school. Sara didn't join any sports but Edmund joined soccer, both were getting ready for school. Today Fiona took them to school. When they reached the school, Sara and Edmund both came outside of their luxurious car. Fiona also came out of the car, Edmund went inside the school.

Fiona holding Sara's hands and she asks her 'What marks on your neck dear?' Sara replied to her 'Amma yesterday mosquito was bitten me when I talk with Ria' Fiona replied 'ok dear enjoy your day, bye'. She said and kissed Sara then she drove to the Winslet's company.

Sara slowly took her steps towards her classroom, she was stuck in her place, when she hears the voice, 'Are you ok now?'. She slowly turns back and she saw Mr Kim was standing there.

Sara: Y-yeah I'm ok now sir.

Mr Kim: Good

Sara: Sir, s-s-shall I ask you one question?

He raised his one eyebrow and said to her,

Mr Kim: Ask

Sara gathering her whole confidence and boldness, then she began to speak,

Sara: How did you know I have feelings towards you?

He lowers his head and smirked then he said,

Mr Kim: leave

Sara: but Sir

Mr Kim: I said leave

She was confused by his actions then he went to the ground. The seats were filled with audiences everyone wears their team colour t-shirts. Sara was searching for Nattie then she found her, Sara ran towards her and she back hugged her. Nattie turns to her and she said to Sara.

Nattie: Sara dear, how are you? Are you ok now?

Sara: yes Nattie I'm good now and I'm gonna support you where can I get our team Jersey?

Nattie: here (Nattie take one Jersey from the bag and she gives it to Sara) Sara go and wear this.

Sara nodded and went to wear that Jersey. And then she supporting Natalia and Edmund all time. Then she saw Mr Kim was standing on the ground, she tries to control her feelings towards him so she avoids seeing him.

But she can't he was incredibly stunning, she was out of her thoughts and she starts dreaming of him. Suddenly she saw the ground he's not there, she is scanning the entire ground but she didn't find him. She sighed herself and she went to drink water, she was going through the corridor, abruptly one hand snatched her to the locker room. She suddenly closed her eyes.

Open it

She almost lost her soul by his breathtaking voice. She will happy if the earth gulps her at this juncture. She tightly closed her eyes and she didn't open them. Mr Kim removes her spectacles, she was frozen by his cold touch.

Mr Kim: Open your eyes I said

Sara: she opened her eyes slowly. Her eyes almost filled with tears. She tries to control her tears.

Mr Kim: Look at my eyes, I already told you don't accumulate your emotions towards me right

Sara nodded her head nervously

Mr Kim: you're a kid and I warn you to don't grow your feelings towards me understood?

Sara nodded and her eyes were overflowing she can't control her tears, Mr Kim gives her spectacles, he gasped heavily and left that place.

Sara was crying over the full day, Edmund and Nattie were on the sports after the event finished Nattie came to Sara, she hugged Nattie tightly and she sobbing on her shoulder. Sara told everything to her. Nattie gently patted her head then she told her. 'I can understand your feelings and you know Mr Kim is our staff and he's like a geek so you should give up your emotions towards him'  Sara slowly nodded.

At Winslet's office:

P.A: Sir one letter received your name

Mr Winslet: Gimme

Mr Winslet opens the letter and he's getting shocked by seeing the letter.

Mr Winslet,
                     It's the time for my Vengeance. Be ready for your demise, and you know what, YOU OWE ME.

Have a nice day Mr Winslet.

Mr Winslet aggressively asks his P.A,

Mr Winslet: Who sent this letter to me?

P.A: I don't know sir, that person didn't mention his name

Mr Winslet: Get out

Mr Winslet wrecks his palm to the table, then he stands from his chair and said to himself, Who are you?  Don't dare to mess with me.

At Winslet's mansion:

Sara and Edmund were returned from their school, Sara didn't talk to anyone even she didn't talk to Ria also, she enters her room and she covers herself under her blanket. She tries to hate Mr Kim, but she can't, so she decided to avoid him.

Meanwhile, the Winslet's also returned their mansion. He didn't show anything to his family members at the same time he searching for the holder of that letter.

Fiona: why are you looking worried? Are you ok?

Mr Winslet: I'm ok! I wanna see my

Mr Winslet came to Sara and Edmund's room but Ed was playing games and Sara was fell asleep. Mr Winslet converse with Edmund and he kissed Sara's forehead and he went to his room.

Mr Winslet's mobile was ringing he attend the phone and his P.A said,

P.A: Sir I found the owner of that letter

Mr Winslet: Good, tomorrow we will finish him.

P.A: Haha sure sir

Mr Winslet cuts the call and he fell asleep.

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