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Fiona didn't sleep the whole night. Her nightmare keeps on messing in her brain. She tries to calm down her but her mind says to her 'Something bad happens to her family'. As the night passes by, the dawn arrived. Fiona hears the sound of their maids working she went to Sara and Edmund room she sees both were sleeping peacefully.

She goes to Sara and sits beside her and she kissed her cheeks. Sara slightly wakes up and she hugs Fiona. Fiona pats her head and she says to her 'Nothing will happen to you, your amma always with you dear'. Sara wears her spectacles and she said to Fiona, 'Amma what going to happen to me? Why are you looking confused? That's why I tell you all time don't watch serial too much'.

Fiona's eyes were filled with tears she hugs her and told her to get ready for school, then she goes to Edmund and wakes him up.

Edmund and Sara both were ready for school and their driver going to drop them. Sara tells her mind, she first gonna friend with Mr Kim and after some days she going to convey her love towards him.

At school:

Sara enters her classroom, as usual, she went to sit near Nattie, she tells Nattie about her detention. Their conversation was corrupted by their Biology staff and everyone going to sit their places and he begins to start his lectures.

Sara was drawn Mr Kim in her notes and she starts to dream with him. She says to herself 'his beauty is ethereal'. The bell rang and Nattie calls Sara almost more than 5 times suddenly Sara jerked her and she see Nattie. Nattie hit Sara playfully and they begin their playful fights.

At Winslet's office:

Mr Winslet's secretary knocks on the door,

Secretary: Excuse me, sir

Mr Winslet: Come in,

Secretary: Sir, one young man came to see you

Mr Winslet: I don't want to see anyone, tell him to go and come another day.

Secretary: Ok sir.

He bows him and left Winslet's Office. After few minutes he came again and he knocks on the door,

Mr Winslet: What do you want now?

Secretary: Sir he told me to tell you that he is the one who wrote that letter.

Mr Winslet didn't wait for seconds, he gets up from his seat and told his secretary,

Mr Winslet: let him come in

After few seconds, A young age man almost twenty-five years something enters his office. Mr Winslet gritting his teeth and seeing him. The young man makes his way to the chair which is opposite Mr Winslet. He sits like a boss who owns the whole company where he is there. Mr Winslet can't control his anger by the young man's actions.

Mr Winslet: GET UP ( he gritting his teeth and grumbling)

Strange Man: Sit down

Mr Winslet: Hey you Fu...

Strange Man: Shut up (he takes his gun from his pocket)

Mr Winslet stops in his place, then he sits on his rolling chair. Mr Winslet clears his throat and asks him,

Mr Winslet: Who are you? And, what do you want?

The strange man smirks and he says to him, I'm your fate and I want you.

Mr Winslet: Haha my fate, you kid who send you to me?

Mr Winslet says and tries to get up from his chair, suddenly the strange man puts his gun on Mr Winslet's head.

Strange Man: Sit down don't dare to move

Mr Winslet sits in his chair again, then the strange man takes the gun from his head.

Mr Winslet: You don't have any idea about who am I

Strange Man: I know you are such a 'Nasty prideful businessman'

Mr Winslet: Do you want some money? (he takes some money from his table and threw it to him) take this and go. I forgive you, now go and don't waste my time.

Strange Man: Forgive me? Are you dumb or, Are you act like dumb?

Mr Winslet: You F**ker don't you want to live? I took pity on you but you are joking me what do you think in your mind? If I call cops now, then your life will be razed, and you

Strange Man: Blah blah blah don't you shut your dingy mouth?

Mr Winslet: I'm asking you finally WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?

Strange Man: Ok, now uncle got too serious mode. (He clears his throat and gritting his teeth) I want to see your painful tears, your begging and get rid of your silly soul left from your body.

Mr Winslet: Who are you?

The Strange man gets up from his chair, slightly bends his body and puts his palm in the table then he says,

Strange Man: Look at my eyes, you will find

Mr Winslet gets up and looks at the strange man's eyes. By seeing his eyes, Mr Winslet's eyes widened and he is frozen at his place,

Mr Winslet: You

Strange Man: Yes IAM!

Mr Winslet's brain was frozen. The young man smirks at him and says to him see you soon uncle he turns and walks out of his office. Mr Winslet sits down and grabbing his hair, thinks about his fate.

At School:

Their lunch hour was over, and now it was their Chemistry hour.

Sara says to Nattie about her father's business and asks Nattie to come to her mansion one day. Nattie says to Sara one day she will come to her house. At that time they heard the announcement that 'Today evening we have a special ceremony for sports players, so I request everyone should attend the procession Thank you '.

Nattie says to Sara that she was excited about the ceremony. They both were talking and giggling, Are you both done yet, the voice came from their behind. Sara slowly turns back because she knows who is the owner of the voice. Mr Kim was standing there, raising his one eyebrow and gives his sign the soul-piercing stare. No words can come out of Sara's mouth, Nattie says sorry to him but Sara didn't utter any word from her mouth, she blankly sees him and Mr Kim also sees her and he didn't take his gaze from Sara, then he said Go and sit on your place, Sara and Natalia were go to sit their place.

Mr Kim: Stop Sara

Sara stopped in her place and she turns to him

Mr Kim: Not replying to me is your policy right?

Sara: N-n-no sir not like that, actually I was ( her sentence were stopped by)

Mr Kim: Go and sit in your place

Sara nodded and went to sit in her place. She was happy because he didn't give her any detention. Then he took a class Sara also listened to him and she is taking notes. Finally, this is the first time she listened to the class. After few minutes the bell rang, Mr Kim left the class and he's spinning the book with his fingers. Sara and Natalia were excited about the evening's ceremony and they say bye to each other and Sara went to her car which was waiting for her.

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