Chapter: 17

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Sara can't believe this then he breaks the kiss his eyes intensely meets her eyes.
He takes ash from the ashtray which is behind Sara, he rubs the gloomy ash all over his face, shortly his white colour dress turns into black colour and his eyes become dark.

He grabs her hair and leans his face near to her ear he said,

We gonna marry tomorrow get ready for it

He gave her a disgusting look and left that place.

Sara had no idea about her wedding she can't do anything and she let her life to her fate.

The next morning,

The castle was decorated with black and purple blossoms. The dark sky waiting for their appearances. Maids were making Sara for her wedding she is wearing dark scarlet colour. On the other side of the castle, Valerian getting ready for his wedding and he is wearing a Black imperial suit.

As soon as the wedding ceremony starts Valerian waiting for his bride his mother stands near him. As the trumpets were fiddles, Sara comes inside with maids. Valerian fell the charm of Sara, she bows her head and she came to stand near him.

Poor Winslet you don't have any luck see your gorgeous daughter.

Valerian said himself.

As their ordinances groom's mother took the left hand of the bride she slightly cut the palm of the bride with the royal blade then cut the palm of the groom then she have to join the hands of the Groom and the Bride. Blood of the Groom and Bride are the pledge of their marriage life.

Magline did everything as their principles. Valerian takes her hand, looking at her intensely he came closer to her ears he whispers her,

    Don't imagine I'm in love with you I did everything for my child.

As their rituals were getting on to the end Valerian took Sara to his Royal room. Valerian puts a blanket on the floor and orders her to sleep there and he told her to make sure she never touch his things ever.

Sara holding her tears and lying on the blanket.

As days pass by her tummy becomes bigger her baby had grown faster than the human baby. Sara also becomes weak Valerian doesn't care about her. He cares about his baby only.

One night Sara can't sleep because the floor was too frigid. Her baby also keeps bumping on her tummy. She went to the royal cot where Valerian sleeps she came closer to him and hugs him tighter. Now only her baby stops kicking her.

As their land welcomes the dawn, Sara felt someone grabbing her hair. Sara whines in pain she opens her eyes and her eyes met the aggressive eyes of Valerian, gritting his teeth,

Valerian: How dare you?

Sara: Our baby ke..

Valerian: Don't dare to say ours it's mine, mine only. Don't think I'm in love with you again I did everything for my baby mind it!

He pushes her and left that place. As usual, Sara crying alone no one is there to hear her voice. Her tummy is bigger than yesterday she wanna hug someone and cry on his shoulder, she is walking in the corridor she saw Valerian hug that same girl and that girl lying on his shoulder and he's caressing her hair.

Sara's heart once again fell into pieces she closed her mouth and ran to her room. Valerian just sees her and smirk at her actions.

Sara lay down on the bed. that moment keeps on messing her mind

Sara: I wanna hug him and I want his care but she did this another woman please God take me when I give birth to my newborn to Valerian.

Suddenly, the room door opens and Magline appears. She came closer to Sara. Sara sees her and wipes her tear-out.

Sara: Mom, What made you come here?

Magline: Don't call me like that I'm not your mom and I came here to see my blood. (She's talking emotionless)

Sara: No mom you came here to see me I saw your caring in your eyes.

Sara can't hold her cries and hugs Magline, initially she tries to push her then she also hugs her and began to sob.

Sara: Why mom? Why did he torture me like this?

Magline: It's your fate

Sara: what fate? Please tell me what I did?

Magline: You did nothing dear. You are here because of your parents.

Sara: What? Please tell me what happened?

Magline took pity on her by seeing her condition. Sara was sweaty she keeps on hugging her stomach.

Magline: I will tell you everything


25 years back:

Winslet went to the forest camp with his friends. He lost his way in the middle of the forest, his friends left him in the forest. As soon as the moon arrives. The darkness covered him, he went to the edge of the fear. The moonlight was covered by the shadows of hyenas surrounding him he just close his eyes and he let himself to the situation. Winslet is waiting for his cruel death. After a few minutes, he realised he is alive. He opens his eyes and saw the hyenas were dead and their neck was attacked by fangs.

He turns back and saw the beautiful woman was standing there.

Winslet: So you are the one who saved from the hyenas?

???: Don't you thank me?

Winslet: Sorry and thank you for saving me. A-and can you tell me your name?

???: Well, it's Fiona. Winslet.

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