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Mr Winslet: Where is she?

Sara: A-appa she drops me here and she went to her house?

Mr Winslet: Really? Then can you explain this

He indicates the ring wearing Sara

Mr Winslet: Don't hide me, dear

Sara: Appa, I'm in love with one person, he is my chemistry staff

Sara looking the floor she didn't have dared to see her father's face

Mr Winslet: Ok I want to see him can you show him to your father tomorrow evening?

He asks by raising his one eyebrow, Sara just nodded and went to her room. She called Mr Kim and she tells everything to him. Mr Kim also accepts to see her father.

It was about 11 pm Sara can't sleep at night. Frankly, she's afraid of the night she hides her face between two pillows she tries to sleep but she can't sleep, so she supposes to call Mr Kim. Fortunately, he picks her call,

Mr Kim: Sweetie

Sara feeling small blossom lawn in her stomach by his deep and breathtaking voice

Sara: Mr Kim I can't sleep I'm afraid

Mr Kim: My sweetie can't sleep because she's afraid hmm

Sara: Yes Mr Kim

Mr Kim: Shall I come there and cuddle you? Sweetie

Sara: Sounds good, but how will you come here?

Mr Kim: Sweetie

Sara: Yes Mr Kim

Mr Kim: Can you come outside?

Sara: Mr Kim are you serious?

Mr Kim: Yes 

Sara seizes her blanket and takes a leisurely pace by not waking anyone,
Finally, she came outside. Sara sees the bijou shadow of Mr Kim it was like beauty as a canvas. Sara slowly takes her steps to him, he suddenly turns back and obliviously hugs her.

Sara feels his lips on her earlobes, she feels chill runs down her ridge. He slowly breaks the hug and deeply looks at her innocent eyes, her tears were waiting to come out.

Mr Kim kisses her neck and leaves some hickeys on there, Sara can't hold her moan she grits her teeth to try not to moan. But, his tempting kisses cause her to moan.

She whimpers his name, her moans cause him to want her more. Mr Kim hums in her ear 'Shall we do that one more time'. Sara's heartbeat paused at the minute, she grabbing his shirt and she nodded to him.

Mr Kim deeply inhales her odour, Sara closed her eyes tightly cause of fear. She feels his hand removing the ropes of her pyjamas he places his mouth on her neck Sara still didn't open her sights.
Without warning, he once again takes her integrity, Sara can't hold back her tears she feels her body is in control of Mr Kim.

Mr Kim can't stop his pace, Sara wrapping her arms around him. After few thrusts, Mr Kim releases her from his clasp. Both were breathing heavily, Mr Kim hugs her tightly and he spotted his head on her shoulder.

Sara: Mr Kim

Mr Kim: Yes sweetie

Sara: I love you so much

Mr Kim: I love you too sweetie

Sara felt something happens inside of her body she can't open up to Mr Kim, she breaks the hug and tells him 'Mr Kim it's time to leave' Mr Kim nodded and kisses her forehead he slowly removes him from her embrace.

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