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The bright sun wakes up Sara and she wore her spectacles and she did her morning routine, but Edmund was still asleep he woke up by the maid Ria Good morning sir here is your coffee and be ready to school today you and mam gonna see your new school and here is your uniform.

She said and left their room Sara wore her uniform it was a royal blue colour skirt with a white shirt and royal blue tie, she does her hairstyle she always does ponytail and she wore her spectacles and she went to eat her breakfast.

While she was wearing her shoes Edmund came to eat his breakfast, you are always lazy see Sara I think you should learn from her Fiona scolding Edmund. You lazy I will teach you later now eat and come said Sara, while he finished eating and wearing his shoes he said to her teach me what how to eat like clumsy na?  Everyone was laughing but Sara kills him with her eyes.

Ok enough now come already late this is not a good impression going to school late on your first day creates a bad impression and bad name to you both Fiona said to them and drove them to their school.
                      At school:

Sara and Edmund were a little bit nervous about their new school. One staff take them to Edmund class Fiona introduces his son to his class staff and then she takes Sara to her class. When she opened the class door everyone was staring at Sara and some of them were trying to hold their laughs because of her clumsy look. Fiona said to her class teacher 'Sara was the number one student while she was studied in Rome and I hope here also she will be shine so you guide her properly 'she concluded by her bossy attitude then she leaves her class

   Hi, guys my name Sara I was born in India but I'm studied in Rome due to my dad's business and how I came to India because my dad gonna do business here and I hope you guys help me with my studies and accept me as your friend. Sara finished her intro and sit near the window it was very boring to Sara because she was tired of listening to lectures. When the bell rang everyone went to the canteen for lunch.
        Hi Sara my name is Natalia you can call me natty shall we be friends?

Sara: Yes of course why not

Natalia introduce everyone to Sara but none of them going to accept her but Natalia cares for Sara while they were eating their lunch Natalia tell her about that school and staffs their conversation was corrupted by spilling water Sara was filled with full rage

You Nasty how is your new school this is my way of welcome hope you like it

Sara went to hit her but Natalia stopped her.

Sara: who is she why she's spilling water to me?

Natalia: Her name Karina she's always a hypocrite person everyone adores her beauty if you attack her, you get a bad name on your first day of school so please calm

(Natalia calming Sara and they made their way to their class)

The class door was opened by the principal and he introduces Mr Kim as their new chemistry staff and he leaves the classroom. Everyone was shocked by his ethereal beauty he was made by full of handsomeness his eyes were dark he is a fit and lean figure. His stare must pierce the soul. He has dangerous black hair he wears black pant and a black formal shirt. finally, he began to speak,

Mr Kim: Good afternoon students I'm your new chemistry staff I want you all  introduce yourselves
  His voice was deeper than the ocean
Everyone introduces themselves and it's Sara's turn Sara fell in love at first sight with Mr Kim. She didn't even notice it was her turn

Mr Kim: What's your name?

Sara: Seems like you're not Indian right?

Mr Kim: Do you have any rights to ask question to me hmm

Sara's soul was pierced by his deep and dangerous tone

Sara: S s sorry sir my name is S S Sara

He just nodded and left her, during the whole class Sara never turned her head aside she always looking at him she didn't even listen to that class she admiring his beauty she didn't even notice the bell rang.

Natalia: Hey Sara

Sara came to consciousness and nodded to her

Natalia: Are you ok Sara

Sara: Yeah I'm ok Nattie and what do you think about Mr Kim he is too handsome isn't he?

Natalia: Yeah at the same time seems like he is too strict

Edmund: SARA

Sara: Hey Ed how is your day today? and she's my new friend Natalia

Edmund: Hi sister my name is Edmund you can call me Ed

Natalia: Hi Ed nice to meet you

Edmund: Yeah Sara he is my new Indian friend his name is Sammy

They start to walk to the gate one luxurious car was already there Sara and Edmund say bye to their friends and go to their house

Sara keep on thinking about Mr Kim and his voice. Sara can't wait to see him again.
They reached their mansion. Maid Ria was a friend of Sara. Sara told everything about Mr Kim to Ria

Ria: By his name you're right Sara I think he's not Indian

Sara: Yeah I knew that, I think he works here for a job but Ria you know what I have some feelings for him I never felt this feeling before

Ria: Awwww Sara come on he's your staff maybe he's married

Sara: No Ria he's not wearing the ring

Ria: Sara baby In Hindu marriage ring is not must you know

Sara: No Ria he's not married tomorrow I'm gonna confirm this

Ria: Ok Sara now drink your coffee and do your homework.

Time :8pm

(Mr Winslet and Mrs Winslet came to the house after their works)

Sara was good at drawing she draws the image of Mr Kim in her bedroom

Edmund: Sara Ji can you stop your dream with your so-called staff

Sara: No, you know what I'm in love with him so can you shut your filthy mouth idiot

Mr Winslet enters the room Sara hide the picture to her dresser

Mr Winslet asked them how's your day kids. Edmund replied him good Appa,
Sara sighed and replied not bad Appa then Mr Kim came to her mind then she tells until chemistry hour Appa

Mr Winslet: Ok dears I hope you both ate your dinner and now sleep good night babies

Sara and Ed: Good night Appa

As usual, Edmund starts to play the game but Sara didn't read books she starts dreaming about Mr Kim.

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