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She turns back and she is shocked by the owner of the voice.

Sanguis Orbis

Sara woke up by the morning breeze embraces her as soon as she finished her morning routines and she went to work. On her way, she saw the unidentified creature flying in the sky she can't identify that. She was afraid and begin to walk charcoal mine.

She reached the place and she starts to work there. Suddenly she hears a similar voice from outside she came out and her eyes were happy to see Edmund there. Sara ran to him and hugs him Edmund also hugs Sara and caressing her hair.

Edmund: I miss you so much, How are you? Are you ok?

Sara can't speak to him her heart was overwhelming at that moment. She just nodded to him and she still hugging him.

???: What a wonderful moment

Sara and Edmund breaks the hug and turns back they saw an aggressive Valerian

Valerian: So, finally you met your baby brother right

Sara was unable to talk her fear doesn't allow her to talk

Edmund: Valerian, it's my fault, I'm the one who came here to see her. I just want to know how is she?

Valerian: How dare you do this? I already told you both, not to meet each other but Edmund you broke my rules so you have to pay it. And, You see she is good and now get ready for your punishment.

Sara: What? Valerian listen to me I'm the one who came and talk to him he came here for work information please leave him

Edmund: No she

Sara: Shut up, please Valerian please leave him I beg you, please, please

Valerian: Ok then let's go baby girl

He grabs her hair and takes her with him Edmund goes in front of him and tried to stop him but he can't balance the power of Valerian. He fell on the ground and screaming


But no one cares about him.

Valerian took her to the darkroom he snaps his finger, candles were light that space, he pushed her to the ground he controls her hands with his power, her hands also obeys him, her left hand take a sharp piece of wood from the ground and it starts to cut her right wrist, Sara groaning in the pain she can't control it.

Valerian comes near to her,

How is it, baby girl this is just beginning

Valer-valerian I can't please stop it,

Sara screaming his name, after few minutes he stopped it. Sara fell to the ground her legs were trembling. Valerian ties her hand and legs. Pale blue colour light comes from his palms it attacks Sara's body, she felt lightning attacks her body she was a screaming mess at the moment. Valerian stops it and unties her, then make her stand but she can't feel her body she fell to the ground. Her left hand was bleeding and her body becomes freeze.

Bitch come on stand up

She hears his voice but she can't answer soon her vision becomes blurry.

The next morning she can't move her body but she gaining her all strength and got ready to go Charcoal mine. As she walks on her way she fell and she went to an unconscious state.

Some lady workers took her to the Royal infirmary. Sara came to consciousness after a few hours, her heart was shattered into pieces when she came to know she was pregnant.

As soon as this news reached Valerian he was shocked and his mind is not working. Valerian tells everything to his mother.

Magline told him,

Unborn in her womb was our blood you are the father of her baby and I'm not going to tell you to do this or that. If you want to accept her as your wife then we will arrange the Marriage ceremony tomorrow if you not gonna accept her then wait for the newborn after that you can leave her.

She said and leave that place

As soon as the moon arrives Valerian didn't eat anything he going to see Sara as he walking in the downstairs of the prison where Sara lives he thinking about Sara in school uniform how she loves him, how she did everything for him, how her innocent eyes closed when she was frightened.

He feels his body becomes cool and his dress colour turns into black to white.

He entered her chamber he saw Sara slept peacefully by holding her tummy he whispers her name, she slightly opens her eyes she saw Valerian with the white colour dress.

She gets up and she didn't know what happening around her.

He comes closer to her but sara doesn't have any dare to see him. He lifts her chin and he presses his lips to hers. He kisses her passionately it's full of love and caring.

Sara can't believe this then he breaks the kiss his eyes intensely meets her eyes.

At Winslet's Mansion:

Fiona: H-how can you be alive?

???: I will explain everything.

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