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Winslet's Mansion:

Fiona: You alive but how? How can this be possible?

Winslet: Honey I already told you to trust me but you

Fiona: Stop

Fiona comes to that strange person  and asks him

Fiona: Tell me, how can you be alive? Winslet killed you, your elder brother and your father in front of my eyes.

???: Well he didn't kill me he killed my father and my brother and he did it for me

Fiona: What? But why? Baron

Baron: I want that throne. Unfortunately, I'm not having the powers to fight enemies my power just gives life to others after they die and you know my younger brother Valerian has all powers, first of all, I want to kill him but my poor dad knows my plan and tries to abandon me from everyone and also tries to take my power that's why I plan to kill him. My elder brother that pitty one tries to help Valerian that why he lost his life. I thought I only have the power of giving life but then I realised I have the power of taking the life of my blood. Winslet wants to be the richest in the world I promise him to make him the richest man in the world that's why he did that for me.

Fiona: Why are you like this? Did you kill everyone for your pride?

Baron: Fortunately Yes and I give everything to your husband as I promise him

Fiona: You monster how can you behave like this I don't need your help

Winslet: Fiona stop your gibberish words

Baron: Fiona listen to me I will bring your kids back and I made much black magic to take the power from Valerian and kill him

Fiona: what? ( she is mystify and crying)

Baron: You have to do me a favour if you want your kids back do what I say

Fiona: No I can't betray Senguis Orbis Royals

Baron: Then you want your kids going to assassinate by the hands of Valerian

Fiona: NO NO

Baron: Then do

She kneeled and screamed in front of them.

At Sanguis Orbis,

Light welcomes the dawn as the chill air embraces Sara's face she wakes up in the arms of Valerian. She fixed her hair and she got up from the bed suddenly Valerian grabbed her hands sit up near her and hug her tightly, Sara is on cloud nine he nibbles her ear then he whispers to her just two days to more, she asked him for what? He replied For your death dear.

He breaks the hug and left the room his words slash her spirit into slices. She caressed her belly and cried out loud as she can.

Time flew away,

Sara had no idea to return to her parents, she will be happy as she died by the hands of Valerian she just counting her days. At the same time, she remembered everything when she was with her parents.


Sara: Ed it was real, not the nightmare I saw him here 

Edmund: Who Sara?

Sara: I don't know but his eyes are Crimson red!

Edmund: Sara you are afraid now and no one was there so don't cry

Sara: But Ed, Me and Mr Kim ( she says her nightmare to Edmund )

Edmund: Okay interesting but where is your boyfriend going to? Did he hide because of that cruel man? Ooo, poor Sara, you are the pity full creature in this world. Haha, even your boyfriend didn't come to save you. So take your brother everywhere you will be safe.

End of flashback.

Sara, Ed where are you now? She is sobbing like her heart out suddenly she felt two hands encircling her waist and making her stand up she turns back and saw Valerian standing there.  

He sees the virtuous weeping eyes of Sara, his self torn down into pieces he hugs her tightly and says himself I love you, Sara. Sara felt comfortable in his arms. Abruptly his monster eats his pitty symbol and he pushes her out and left that place.

This is not new to Sara she comforts herself as everything will be alright.

At Throne:

???: Valerian

Valerian: Finally you are here.

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