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...At Throne:

???: Valerian

Valerian: Finally you are here, Welcome to Sanguis Orbis

???: SARA, EDMUND come on where are you?

Valerian: Aish this boy by the way how are you, Mr. Winslet? I hope you enjoyed my surprises

Winslet: Where are my kids? Tell me

Valerian: I killed

Fiona: WHAT NO they didn't do anything they are innocent why did you do that? You could kill me instead of them (crying)

Winslet: You think I'm the real culprit but.


Winslet: Then why did you kill my children you the son of

Sara: Dad

Winslet: Sara, Sara baby how are you? Are you ok? Where is Edmund?

He notices the belly of Sara

Sara: I'm pregnant with Valerian's baby

Fiona: What? Sara, it's dangerous How did you do that?

Valerian: Yes she's in danger and I'm surprised you don't know how she's pregnant, ok I will explain she got pregnant by her FATE AND MY VENGEANCE understood?

Winslet: Sara let's come with me I'm here to save you from this monster 

Sara: No, dad  I am not coming with you hereafter I am going to stay here.

Winslet: no, Sara how can you do this? Are you mad? I and your mother come here to save you

Sara: I would die here rather come with you dad so leave now if you wanna live you create my fate so I have to live for it.

Valerian was surprised by her words, Mr. Winslet grabs her hand and pulled her towards him Sara can't help her due to his force Sara fell and she groaning from her lungs. At that time Valerian going to help her suddenly he felt his mother was captived by rivals. Winslet noticed that Valerian not coming to her he saw Valerian furiously getting out of his palace. Winslet leaves Sara to Fiona and follows Valerian.

Fiona caressed Sara's hair, take me to the infirmary, fast I can't tolerate it Sara grunted in suffering. Royal maids come to her and take her to the infirmary. Fiona followed them, her eyes is overflowing.

Sara's screaming was reflected in the walls as soon she was silent there is no screaming in the infirmary except the baby's voice. Fiona entered the infirmary she sees Sara was in an unconscious state and a beautiful girl baby in the maid's hand.

Valerian found the place where his mother is captived. He saved her from the cave he saw Winslet and some Wizards standing out of the cave.

Winslet coming near to Valerian, How dare you make my daughter pregnant?  Winslet grunted. She would die if she know who's daughter she is? Valerian said to him.

Winslet: you have no idea who is your real opponent (smirked) 

One wizard moves his hands as his palm sees the sky he creates the ball of fire and he threw it to Valerian. Valerian's eyes turned into a crimson color. He gains his power as the celestial sphere trembles by the power of Valerian the brightest lightning attacks the wizard and his followers.

Winslet takes his sharp potion sword and going to stab Valerian from the back. When Valerian turns back to him he sees Winslet fell on the floor as his mouth pumps out the blood. Valerian curiously make his head look up and he saw Edmund was there.

Edmund: This is my small help for you, Valerian

Valerian shocked by his actions doesn't know what to say.

Valerian: Thank you for your huge help How's Sara? Is she fine?

At infirmary:

Sara came back to consciousness she see the shadow of a man standing behind the curtains

Mysterious man: Sara, your father is no more and you are beautiful as your father told me.

Sara: W who are you?

Mysterious man: Soon you will know about me

As Sara sees the shadow it starts to invisible


Sara turns towards the door she sees Valerian coming towards her and hugs her

Valerian: I'm sorry Sara I'm sorry for hurting you (crying)

Sara: It's ok Valerian (sobbing) look at our baby she is beautiful isn't she?

Valerian: Very beautiful like you ( he pecks her)

Sara: Valerian I want to live here with you I don't wanna go back.

Valerian: Sara, I don't want to lose you I want you to be with me always

Sara: then don't, I'm with you Valerian I'm here for you (she said nervously)

Valerian: But,

Sara: But what?

Valerian: you have to go back Sara this is not a real world

Sara: no no Valerian I can't leave you please don't leave me please, please

Valerian: Sara, wait for me and our daughter we will come for you but now you have to go

Sara: Valerian no no please I beg you Valerian don't go away from me Valerian Valerian


She shouts and gets up from her bed she realizes she's in her room she sees Edmund sleeping in his bed.

So that was my dream, no it's real oh my god what happened (she's confused and idealess)


Hey, open the door don't you hear that? Edmund says to Sara and he gets up from his bed, she opens the door and she saw Fiona was standing

Fiona: Get ready soon this is the first day of your school we have to go fast

Sara: What? Mom is this my first day?  no, you know what I'm a mother and I have a baby with a vampire

Fiona: What? Did you read any vampire fiction

Edmund: Move lazy dumb always dreaming about useless things

Sara: I can't believe that was my dream

Edmund: Then don't believe tell everyone in our new school about your dream now move aside sister.

Fiona: Get ready kids

Sara: mom where is Dad?

Fiona: He went to London for a business meeting he will return soon

Sara: Oh ok

(So it was my dream how can this be possible I felt everything Valerian are you real? If you are real come here I'm waiting for you)


                                         To be continued.....

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