𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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Peter and Tony sit at a round table in one of the many meeting rooms on the compound Pete stares at the table, and Tony stares at Pete.

"How is she?" Tony asks. Hoping with every ounce of his body that she is ok. That she is still his daughter.

Peter looks at Tony, with his deep brown eyes and says, "She's changed, Tony."

Iron-man looks back at his 'son', "Is she alive?"

Peter nods, "I woke up at a run-down construction site. I think she's living in a trailer. She looked happy, and was blaring music."

Tony smiles, "Well-"

Peter interrupts, "But there was these tentacle things coming out of her back, and they were holding pots and pans of food. Like they were cooking. And I also heard another voice."

"Whose?" The scared dad asks.

Peter looks at Tony, "It was a deep voice, and sounded like a monster. It was singing with Lilly. There was a guy, outside of the trailer holding a knife. And he was trying to creep up on her. I wanted to do something so bad, sir. And then, an alien-thing opened the door. Then it-it ate the man. But I think that thing was- is Lilly."

Peter walks into school. Ned greets him, and starts rambling about Star Wars and Legos. Though Peter wants to listen, he still can't seem to break away from thoughts of Lily. Peter thinks about the day before she was taken.

One minute, they were eating ice-cream in the park. The next they were fighting off aliens. Quickly, the two put on their suits, and began.

The avengers had been fighting for around three hours. Peter was taking a small break, but looked over to see a building about to collapse on his classmate MJ. He rescued MJ from a falling structure, they fell in a spur of the moment thing, and kissed. Peter let it happen, and regrets it deeply. He smiled as he looked to the left, to see a broken hearted girl. Lily saw the kiss, and flew up in the air to escape what had happened.

But an Osiris helicopter was in the air. Trying to look for weak spots in the Avengers. What's better than the kid? Osiris shot the Iron-Woman down. However it took two hours to find her.

She screamed and screamed none of her 'family' came. Eventually, the Osiris team located her. After the battle, Lily was under three hundred pounds of rubble that broke her fall. She was close enough to hear the Avengers leave. Tears run down her broken face mixing with red. They had a party. The first one to realize was her mother, who did not go on the mission. Who was taking care of her freaking seven year old sister Morgan.

After Pepper asked where her eldest daughter was, to congratulate her. They were just letting her go on missions. Lillian and Peter were the joint at the hip, which eased her Peppers mind. team knew. Lillian Stark was taken. A year later Thanos, the titan, tried to slaughter half the universe. One avenger sacrificed herself to save the world: Carol Danvers. Known as Captain Marvel.

Their lives went back to they way they were. Until Tony found of a member of the avengers killed his parents. Bucky Barnes

They had a Civil War. Then the focus went back on to Lily, four months ago, they traced all operatives linking to Osiris.

Peter tries to focus on what his math teacher is saying. He hears Flash snickering behind him, the annoying arrogant kid. He quickly reaches over his shoulder and catches the paper ball the bully threw. Flashes friends, and his peers are startled at Peter's fast reflexes. The spider boy smirks. The teacher quickly hushes the students so he may continue the lesson.

He still can't get what he saw out of his mind. The black fog. Lily. The destruction. Lily. The newfound power. Lily. His long lost girlfriend. Lily. The burden. Lily. The guilt. Lily.

What he wonders is how will she be when he gets her back. He doesn't want to think it or say it. But what if she's dangerous? What if she has the ability to turn everyone against him, from what he caused? He was a traitor, a slave to burden. And truth meant he had to accept it.

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