~1~ The Techno Introduction

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     Picture Credits: AliciaLamburd on Deviantart :)

For context,this is what you'll be described/seen as wearing! Feel free to change it if you'd like!

For context,this is what you'll be described/seen as wearing! Feel free to change it if you'd like!

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           ~ "Hello mister pig man!"~Warnings: swearing,abandonment

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           ~ "Hello mister pig man!"~
Warnings: swearing,abandonment

From a young age, Y/n was always the brightest star in L'Manburg, with their best friends by their side of course. They were left by their mother at only a few months old, but were taken in by a bird man who loved them like his own child

Y/n considered him to be the greatest father in the world, he raised them to be loyal and true to themselves, to help anyone who may need it and never abandon hope, during these times, war
threats were rising.

Y/n was incredible with a sword but Philza, Their father, Also taught them to be skilful with the bow and arrow. They trained at the back of his home near a large forest so they wouldn't hurt anyone out the front, as they could never really aim right, But tried their best anyhow.

Damnit! Another miss..

Y/n thought as the leafs behind them began to rustle, Nearly scaring them out their skin.

"Who's there?"

They nearly whispered, seeing a tall figure slowly emerging through the tall trees, they noticed right away that this man was wearing a pig mask with dirty-pink hair

"Oh, Hello there mister pig man!"

They said happily, Seeming to already see him as a friend, having never met him.
He looked Confusingly at the person who just...called him a pig man?

"A Pig Man? Seriously?"

"What? You're wearing a pig mask, aren't you? And your hair is the colour of a pig, It looks nice don't worry!"

He was confused, He felt a slight comfort in this person, but quickly pushes it away as a pair of large wings were noticed out the corner of his eye

"Y/N dinners ready-Oh,Technoblade?"

Y/n noticed their father look kindly at the man, realising they knew each other

"Oh, you know him dad?"


Technoblade almost yelled in shock, Not only did he find comfort in this childish person, But they're Philzas child as well? Seriously?

"Ah, I never told you, Well it's nice to see you again Techno! I see you've met my Y/N here, I'm surprised you haven't tried scaring them off"

Y/N smiled softly at the pink haired man, He took his mask off and shook Philzas Hand

"nice to see you too, Phil, It's been a while hasn't it?"

He spook almost nervously, But managed to maintain his strong persona.

Philza always told Y/N a story of a Pig and an Endermen, Perhaps this man was the Pig god of the story? Maybe all the stories and legends of them were true? Nonsense

"Ah! How about you join us for some food, Techno, We can catch up on some things! Y/N makes the best pies I assure you!" 

Technoblade smiles lightly and nods his head, Philza led him inside their home and over to the small table, Sitting down and still talking about everything they've missed out on over the years.

Y/N brings out the raspberry pie they had baked before hand and sat down next to Technoblade, Making him nervous, But still talked normally.

What is with this kid? Why don't they fear me? Why aren't they running away at the sight of me? Has Phil not taught them anything? But still...They feels somewhat different- No, stop that Techno, you've only just met the damn person.

A large knock then interrupted his thought, Y/n got up and answered the door, revealing the one and only Dream, Y/ns best friend and partner in crime


They quickly pulled him into a tight hug, He hugged them back and looked lovingly into their eyes

he had always loved them, but thought it was too dangerous to risk having them brutally killed, considering he had a lot of enemies due to his..Line of work

"Ah, Dream, hello! Make sure their safe, okay boy?"

Phil jokingly asks the blonde haired boy, putting his hands on his hips and smiling

"Of course Philza! I would never put Y/n in any sort of danger, you can count on me!"

Dream then noticed the Pig man sitting at the little wooden table, nearly growling under his breathe.

What the hell? That asshole! How the fuck do they know him? Did Phil seriously let him near them?

Techno thought furiously, Dream smirks and takes Y/ns hand, they waved to both Philza and him, and walked out the door

Dream turned to see Techno glare back at him,as Y/n holds tightly onto his.

895 words -  02/06/21     4:26 am

Thank you for reading this first chapter! Sorry if it was short! I'll try to make the next chapters longer,But I really wanted to get at least one chapter out,as you can tell by the time :,)

This was Technoblades introduction! I'm not sure who I'll introduce next,as you can tell Dream would've already been known to Y/n and was introduced a little in this chapter,he might get a chapter dedicated to him soon but I need to figure that out First

I'll see you next time!


Edited —>    01/04/2022     00:43

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