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Picture Credits: Zarzhut on Twitter

Warnings: Blood and Gore descriptions,death,killing descriptions,swearing

This entire chapter is in Dreams POV!

Dreams Bloody Actions

I don't want to listen to Sapnaps annoying voice anymore, he makes me want to rip his spine away from his body, I just want to hear my love Y/ns sweet voice, why are they so quiet?

Not that I'm complaining, their hands are so soft against mine, so delicate and innocent, I can't wait to finally make them mine after all this time

I still can't believe that bastard had the balls to come back and taint my sweethearts mind..

..how dare you, Sapnap.

"Y/n,why don't you come sleep over mine tonight? I don't trust Him around you right now."

"I'm not sure, Dream, you're the one he's accusing-"

"Perfect! Let's go!"

Finally, I can't hear that fuckers voice anymore

The cold air is a little annoying, but I have Y/n to warm my heart..

I can't wait to cuddle up with them near the fire with their head against my chest, I can only imagine them laying next to me..

I love them so much, I'm so happy they probably didn't believe a word Sapnap, even if he was telling the truth, I know they would never fall for it, they trust me more then their own missing friend,

I love you, my Y/n..

we'll be together soon,I promise.

~Time skip - Dreams house - 23:55~

Y/n fell asleep in my arms,I guess they got tired of that little book, I'll just take them to bed for now,I'll be back in time to cuddle them all night long, they need some comfort right now, and I know they'd love to wake up to me..

They look so damn cute sleeping in my bed, I'll be back soon my love, and I'll be able to cuddle you, you can lean into me and I'll comfort you. but a head kiss is all I can give them right now, but it'll all be worth it in the end.

Sapnaps reappearance has angered me to my core, but I can't kill him yet, that's too suspicious. maybe later.

Right now,that young boy closing up the bar is a perfect target, he won't fight back and I'll get a little entertainment to last me a few hours.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh,hello sir,I'm sorry,we're closed-"

"Oh that's not why I'm here,I lost my key in the ally just there,can you help me find them? I can't seem to spot it"

"Sir,I'm afraid I can't,there's been so many Murders this month,it might not be safe and I don't have any weapons, and it seems you don't either"

"I'm a royal guard,if the murderer was going to attack us,I will protect you and myself"

"Oh,uhm,a-alright then sir"

that little white lie always works, it's not entirely a lie, I mean, I am a royal guard after all.

The blood soaked the walls, it's so beautiful,almost like my love..

but I'd never spill their blood,they're too precious for that..I wouldn't dream of hurting them for anything..

His red blood and ripped up guts are all over my clothes, how disgusting, I only got these cleaned yesterday!

I wish it was Sapnaps corpse in front of me.
I should've let him bleed out the first time, fuck, why did I let him live, why did I give him a chance to live!?

I left my signature sign of a little smiley face next to the body of an unknown man, along with a few of his fingernails that I managed to tear off.

just so everyone knows the mysterious murder has struck again!

This guy probably won't be missed anyways, I've never seen him before, probably new, I hope he had a nice stay at L'Manburg.

I snuck back into the house, I don't want to wake Y/n, I know they'll ask about the blood and flesh that had clung to my shirt.

I took my clothes off and changed into some clean ones,I laid down right next to my angel, they look adorable like this! Sleeping by my side,beautiful...

I snuggled into my dear Y/n, they've always been so warm..I hugged them more close to me, I heard them make a little whisper, my name? Are they dreaming about me, or did I accidentally wake them up? Either way they said my name so cutely! I want them to say it again,but they've gone back to sleep, I can feel their heartbeat on my chest,so adorable...

I can't wait to feel Y/n like this all the time, they'd look so cute next to me..
maybe we can do that one day..
one day soon I hope, when all these assholes are out the way...Wilbur, Sapnap, and those two new nobodies... why do they have to attract these people, they all just get in my way.

But don't worry,my Y/n,they'll pay very soon,I'll make them suffer for trying to take you away from me..
you should be mine, Not theirs.
I've always been there for you, I hugged you, I comforted you, I'm the only one you should be paying attention to!
Why do you have to be so friendly to everyone, you messed up my plans to finally make you mine, I've waited so long, why don't you love me like I love you...

1010 words 06/06/21 02:50

This was a short chapter,but I wanted to try something different! I made this chapter all in Dreams POV because he didn't get an introduction,as he's already known Y/n,I gave Sapnap one because we didn't meet him in the first few chapters,and I wanted his story to be longer and more in depth,but don't worry,no one we know right now is dying!...yet ;)

Thanks for reading!


Edited —> 05/05/22 02:13 am

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