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Art credits: Rai on Artstation

Warnings: Arson,death,burn scars/Burning skin description(?) ,Swearing

As this chapter has something to do with burning,I choose Burning pile as a little background song :)

~the flame in my heart~

After having to deal with many events on a cold day, Y/n simply just laid back and stayed inside their warm room

They didn't feel well enough to go outside in the snow, it's been falling for a few days now, so it wasn't a surprise when they woke up with a cold that morning

"Y/n? Are you okay? Still not feeling well?"

They turned from the window to see Sapnap standing in the doorway

"Oh, yeah, sorry Sapnap, I normally never get ill, so it's just uncomfortable.."

He walked over and sat next to them on the bed. they were both always good friends, as with Dream, Y/n never questioned what he did around them, unless, of course, it was against the law, obviously.

"I can go buy some potions if you want to?"

"You really don't have to, I'm sure I'll be okay!"

He shook his head with a smile, and walked out the room waving to Y/n

Knew he wouldn't listen

Y/n giggled and decided to fight the cold and go outside before Sapnap returned, putting on a green cloak and walking out.

The smell of something oddly familiar filled their nose.. They couldn't remember what it reminded them of, but ignored it as it was faint and far away.

Y/n continued walking down the snowy street, before noticing two all too familiar boys shouting At each other.

"Wilbur! Tommy! For fucks sake, Stop it! Why are you two shouting?"

"Y/n! he's trying to get us both fucking exiled! He tried to fight the kings advisor!"

"He had it coming, he was an asshole! He kept threatening me!"

"That doesn't mean you pull out a sword and threaten him back!"

"Guys fucking stop it-"

Screams cut off Y/ns voice, about five villagers were running from a black smoke-covered corner of the lands.

They all ran over to the sight of a burning buildings and grass.

The holy lands.

"Help! Help! The ash is too strong!"

People began to collapse, the amount of smoke and ash was enough to cover the sky in a dark blanket.

Palace guards grouped villagers into a clear area of the town, as the sound of horses came up from behind them.

𝚆𝚊𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 - A Yandere!dream SMP x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now