~3~ The Ranboo Introduction

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Picture credits: Basiclollo on Twitter :)

Warnings: Swearing

~Flames and Enders~

"Wilbur this is beautiful!"

Y/n runs into the massive garden outside the palace that Wilbur brought them to, the beautiful array of roses, Lilies, Peonies and shrubs, even some apple trees lined the beautiful gates

He sat down on the wooden bench facing the water fountain in the very middle,Y/n went to sit next to him, luckily everyone invited was already inside, so no one came and interrupted them

They watched amazed as the fishes danced around In the water, but Wilbur was only looking at
Y/n, whispering words they couldn't hear

"This is genuinely amazing, Wilbur, we walked past it coming in but wow.."

They awed at the beautiful flowers one more time, the people of L'Manburg have limited options on flowers, bushes etc, due to the king being unpopular in trade operations, but Y/n had never seen a garden so beautifully decorated

"Yeah, it's beautiful"

Wilbur wasn't taking his eyes off of them, Y/n turned to face him, Their eyes still sparkling in amazement, he laughed at their childish reaction to a few flowers and bushes, but found it sort of cute

"I should've really shown you this a long time ago, when we first met I wanted to take you to the castle, but I knew JSchlatt would've noticed you."

Y/n turned their amazed look into a confused one. They thought of Prince Wilbur as the rebellious one, he went out of his way to be there with them and their friends, he always avoided his princely duties to see Y/n, why wouldn't he show them this if Schlatt was there?

"Wilbur, you know you can tell me anything, I don't mind that you didn't show me, it's beautiful either way"

He then felt a warmth forming in his heart..

..Now's the time,Wil.

He thought to himself anxiously.

"Well Y/n, there is one thing-"

"Prince Wilbur, The king has requested you."

A butler interrupted him, He stood up and so did Y/n
Y/n looked confused, they wanted to know what he was going to say, But he just led them into the grand hall hand in hand, not saying a word, with dark blush on his cheeks.

"I'll go with the others, Wilbur, Thank you"

They lightly kissed his cheek and he froze, Y/n smiled and walked over to Tubbo and Tommy, they couldn't see Dream with them.

"Guys, where's Dream? It's getting near to midnight now and Dad wanted me home before then"

"He went off somewhere in a pissy mood, I'm not sure why"

They looked around one last time and spotted him in a corner of the room, Y/n ran over to him and tugged on his arm to let him know it was them.

"Oh, Y/n! Sorry, I guess it's almost midnight, should probably get you back to Philza, Huh"

he smiled at them, taking themselves back to the two boys who had managed to get food crumbs all over their clean suits.

𝚆𝚊𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 - A Yandere!dream SMP x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now