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Art credits: unknown (please comment if you find them!)

Warnings: Swearing, blood description, injections

!!Jack Manifold introduction!!

~ forgive,forget! ~

Dream walked away from the bleeding Ranboo, and towards the direction he stumbled in from.
Sapnap, George and Technoblade had to run to catch up with him, considering Dream was an extremely fast walker.

Tommy stayed behind with Niki, Tubbo, Philza and a few other villagers, taking care of Ranboos wounds.

A villager by the name of Jack Manifold, the villages expert hunter and fisherman, Quickly brought bandages to them, along with a slab of meat, of course he thought it was cold enough to help, it didn't, just crushed Ranboos leg.



"Alright, Dickheads, I just wanted to help!"

Jack was the 'funny guy' of his side of the village, always calling people names or doing  something he shouldn't, a good friend of Tommy and Tubbos

right now, a little humour was refreshing. Ranboo smiled a little and so did the others, snickering as the funny man goes on about deserving respect, in a humorous way of course!

Why are we all smiling and laughing...

Ranboo couldn't help but feel like he was betraying Y/n, he was laughing around with the villagers while they were suffering the consequences of his actions.

Hours later - Location Unknown

Dream and the others hadn't stopped for a rest in what felt like days, but it was only about 2 hours from the campsite.

They were looking for this so-called base Ranboo had mentioned Y/n was being held in, parts of them doubted the story, but at the same time he looked so beaten up and weak, it was obvious something had actually happened to him.

"You're idiots for following  me, they're MY lover, you're all stupid."

Technoblade pulled an annoyed face and walked a little faster to catch up to Dream.

"Oh be quiet Dream. We all care about them. you're the only one making a big deal out of-"

"Shh! Look!"

George pointed out the large walls covered in vines and dirt, with a large building incased inside, the towers were big enough to be seen behind the walls, and they knew they were at the right place.

"We all need to sneak in, maybe we can take down a few guards and take the armour? That way they wouldn't suspect us until they get close to us"

George introduced the plan, the others looked annoyed but they couldn't say it wasn't a good idea.

"Fine, we'll take down those four guards and get in through the back, then find the room Y/n's in."

Technoblade got up as the rest followed, one by one they took down the four guards standing outside the back gate, hiding their bloodstained bodies and taking off their armour, There was still blood and flesh spotted around the netherite chest plates.

𝚆𝚊𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 - A Yandere!dream SMP x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now