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Art by - ♡ — Kass ! (I think that's their profile 😭) On Pinterest!

This chapter might fuck me up ngl 👊😔

Warnings:swearing, Maybe angst?,Blood detail, Abuse/torture?, C!Ranboo getting god 🧍‍♀️

"It should've been you."

Ranboo waved through the vines and trees that disguised the horrifying and freezing forest, the same forest that his dear Y/n was dragged through..

He heard the faint sound of screams, slowly echoing and making his ears hurt, he thought for a second that it might be Y/n, but then realised the screams were way too deep, almost unrealistic, and Y/n's voice was just a bit higher

I'll find you, my dear..I'll be the one to take you home..all they focus on is arguing and fighting, but I'll focus on finding you..

He hoped he could send his thoughts to Y/n, maybe even receive theirs, but he was too far, all he heard was his fellow mobs moans and grumbles, they wouldn't hurt him, but he was terrified that they might've hurt them.

He kept feeling coldness that quickly went away, he wondered, maybe ghosts were here?

However, it was Ghostbur that followed shortly after him.
with the slice through his chest and back glowing a bright-dark blue in the darkness, he was the one who was making Ranboo feel these random spots of coldness and it made him shiver.

Is he looking for Y/n?
Is this the way they went?.. No, it was the other-
no, maybe it was this way?
I can't really remember..

who were we looking for again?..

Eventually, Ranboo found the base that was hidden between trees and vines, however there were thousands of guards surrounding the protected gates, all with swords and bows, possibly potions as well, incase of an attack, Of course.

Ghostbur watched from behind a tree as Ranboo tried to hide from the guards, who obviously heard the snapping of twigs caused by him.

"Who's there!? Come out!."

Ranboo tried to hold his breath as the guard approached the bush, catching a glimpse of his white horn that reflected the littlest bit of moon light it could

The guard then grabbed him and dragged him out the prickly bush, A few more guards rushed over and helped pull the 'monster' into the gates, leaving Ghostbur alone, and afraid.

With Jschlatt and Y/n , inside the castle.

Jschlatt continued to lie to Y/n, showing them things that never really happened.
Things like Dream and Sapnap laughing about their relationship being a trick that they fell for.
They refused to believe it, but eventually they were shown too many lies to be able to say "it's all fake"

"I told you, my dear. I'M the only one who can ever love you, everyone else has been lying to you."

Y/n sat at the end of the four-poster bed, on the expensive velvet sheets. They had tears staining their face and hadn't bothered to wipe them, they didn't really see the point.

𝚆𝚊𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 - A Yandere!dream SMP x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now