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Picture Credits: teddylovebites on Deviantart :)

Warnings: possessive behaviour (kind of),swearing

~An endermans love~

Y/n woke up again, feeling the familiar large pair of arms around them, hugging them close, they looked up to see Wilbur, sleeping peacefully

They didn't want to wake him up, but then noticed the sun, that was right in the middle of the blue coloured sky.

"Wilbur? Wilburrrrrr"

He groaned and lifted his eyes, rubbing them lightly.

"Good morning Will, I didn't know you stayed with me last night, were you too tired?"

"Oh, I just wanted to stay with you, you don't mind, do you?"

They giggled and shook their head no, Wilbur got up and let them get changed in peace

As Y/n buttoned up their shirt, they heard a THUD from downstairs.

They ran down and into the dining room, running into Wilbur and Sapnap.

Sapnap was grabbing at his collar, both were startled when Y/n ran in.

"Oh, Y/n! Sorry, I just, uhm, Noticed a stain on Wilburs collar! I was just helping him, right Will?"

He glared at him as Wilburs expression grew irritated.

"Oh yeah, he was just...Helping."

They looked at them both suspiciously, they knew it wasn't just a stain, they were definitely going to try knock each other out or...Kill each other, if they even could

but they decided to not push them into telling them anything else, it was obvious that they didn't want to, and they didn't exactly want to know what lead up to it, so they walked over and grabbed both their hands.

"Sure... Wilbur, can you help me with breakfast in the kitchen? Sapnap, weren't you meant to be out today?"

Sapnap acted as if he had forgotten, and quickly rushed out the room, giving Wilbur a dirty look before leaving the house.

Both Y/n and Wilbur made their way into the small kitchen. When they were younger, Philza taught both of them how to cook and bake, this time, Y/n remembered a simple recipe of pancakes, an easy dish for breakfast

As time went on, Wilbur and Y/n couldn't help but mess around a little, throwing flour at each other every second, somehow managing to light a cloth on fire, but they both laughed way too much at it

"They should be ready now Will, can you get them out?"

he nodded, smiled, and walked over to the little furnace, taking out the perfectly baked pancakes, passing them over to Y/n

After eating and again, messing with each other, Y/n invited Wilbur to help garden, considering he had always loved helping with them and Philza

Almost everything had grown, so they both rolled up their sleeves and got to gardening, pulling out weeds and checking on the crops.

𝚆𝚊𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 - A Yandere!dream SMP x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now