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Art credits: napperdog_ on Twitter!

Warnings: blood,swearing

S/c: Skin colour

~The Blood Gods soft spot~

Y/n woke up wrapped  between Dreams arms, They tried wriggling their way out but Dream didn't budge, so they figured waking him up would probably be the best option.

"Dream? Dreammmm, Good morning!"

"Y/n? Oh, sorry, good morning"

It was normal for them to wake up somehow tangled in Dreams arms, even when he wasn't there the night before. Which obviously felt creepy at first, but over time they grew to accept it, so they just let it happen.

They both got dressed into their normal clothes and walked to the centre of the village, guards swarmed the area near a darkened ally, a royal guard then ran to Dream.

"Captain! Another murder, sir, a young lad, around mid 20s, was found stabbed 42 times with a sword, and a few bruises near the ribs..."

"The same mark near the head?"

"Yes, sir, the smiley face was seen by a villager before they came to us.."

Dreams acting skills had improved over the years, he'd do whatever he could to cover his actions.

he kissed Y/ns head and said goodbye, heading over to the other guards.

A few minutes after Dream left, heavy rain started to pour down, most villagers went back inside to avoid it.

A lot of people had been brutally murdered over the course of only one month, everyone was put on edge and only stupid people with death wishes went out after midnight, the exact time this 'smile-faced' murderer strikes.

Y/n nervously ran back to their house hoping to avoid as much rain as they could, they opened  the door and couldn't see or hear Philza at all, then they noticed a piece of paper on their wooden table.

"My dear Y/n,

-I have left home for a few days to sell my potions to nearby villages

don't fear, I'll be back in a few days, but until I'm home, I have asked Technoblade to check on you

- Sapnap is living in the spare room until he gets a place of his own, so please make him feel welcome  

-you can ask Techno to train you in archery and sword fighting!

- and he'll be over to pick up some ingredients for a healing potion, please be there to give them to him


Y/n let out a sigh of  relief, Phil never normally leaves, but when he does he always leaves someone to check on them, just in case anything happens, it's normally the old lady next door

They put the paper down on the table again and went outside to see if Technoblade was on his way.

They sat outside on the same step  and started writing in the old leather book to pass time, doodling down some small faces

𝚆𝚊𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 - A Yandere!dream SMP x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now