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[Tuesday, October 28 2014, Literary Arts Building, 8:04am]

"That is all I need from you. Everyone has until Friday to complete this essay, hand it in late and you will get a zero, no questions asked," with that the lecture ended, and everyone scurried up, out of their seats and out of the classroom. I sighed heavily, and gathered my things, joining the end of the crowd of students. I saw a glimpse of Niall farther away, and smirked when I noticed he was talking to a girl.

After making my way to him, I stood at his side. He smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder playfully. "This is my best friend, Louis," he stated, "Louis, this is Andrea."

I nodded, and stuck my hand out, shaking the girls hand, "Nice to meet you," I smiled, glancing at the blonde.

"You too," she responded, "I have to get going but I'll see you later, Niall," she chuckled, and Niall gave her a small wave before she waltzed away. I instantly glared at Niall, and raised my eyebrows when he stayed silent.

"Well?" I asked, "aren't you going to say something? Who is she?" I questioned, knowing exactly by the slight redness in his cheeks that he thought something good about her.

"She's really pretty," he told me, and started walking forward. My jaw dropped, and I hurried after him.

"Niall!" I whined, "you can't just not tell me! I tell you everything!" I exclaimed.

"I know, which is why I have so much to embarrass you with. But theres no way I'm giving you any juicy info to torture me with," he smirked, looking ahead smugly. I sighed dramatically, not happy with his stubbornness. Though, I let it go, and decicded to just bring it back up later.

[Tuesday, October 28 2014, Louis' Apartment, 4:47pm]

I think the first time I actually realized that I was "famous" was four years ago when I was on the XFactor. I was with a good friend of mine, Zayn Malik, and we had gone out to grab a bite for Lunch when there was a group of about four girls waiting out front when we left, and they asked for pictures and such. It was surreal, that day, because it had sunken in that; I'm a celebrity. And even though I don't like the term "famous" I was like; okay wow, well I'm famous. Although-

The buzzer of my door went off, and I grumbled, setting the book that was always being interrupted onto the couch. I traveled to the door, and before it was even open all the way there was a figure jumping inside.

"C'mon, we have to go play with dogs!" Niall screeched, tugging on my arm.

"You already signed us up?" I asked, going back to my book and putting the bookmark in it. Niall shrugged and nodded, oblivious to my tiredness.

"Niall!" I complained, and whined in protest when the Irish man pulled me into my room. Though I didn't even know what was happening before I had clothes thrown in my face.

I sighed in distress, and changed into the clothes, following Niall out after, "You're lucky I don't have any classes at night or you'd be on your own," I pointed out, stuffing my hands in my pockets as we started the walk out of the apartment building and towards the animal shelter, which Niall had informed was only a ten minute walk.

We had arrived to the small shelter only a couple minutes early, though we were just put right to work, "I'll brush them and you feed them," I told Niall, smiling at the dogs of various colors, breeds, and sizes.

"That's not fair. I get the stinky food that smells like shit," Niall grumbled, and lightly stomped off into the other room. I just slightly chuckled, and shook my head, grabbing a brush from the bin. I then walked out the back door and into the grass filled yard, climbing over the short gate before picking up one of the small dogs.

"You're so cute," I cooed, scratching behind the dogs ears. I kneeled down, keeping a grasp on the red collar as I ran the brush down the huskies soft furr.

"That ones' Bree," said an unfamiliar voice. I turned my head the side, seeing a smaller girl, preferably about fifteen.

I smiled to her, and chuckled as I rubbed the dogs tummy, "She's adorable."

The girl tilted her head, and smiled, "Yeah, but no one seems to want her. They say the eyes freak them out," the girl sighed, and that's when I took a look at Bree's eyes, one green and one blue. Though I just found it adorable. "She went to a kill shelter for a month, but my aunt and uncle took her here and now she just needs an owner," she smiled, and giggled when the dog licked her fingers, "I would adopt her but we've already got three dogs in my house," she chuckled.

"I would consider it but I'm already saving up a lot for things with my mate," I bit my lip, and picked up the dog again. My attention moved to the girl, who furrowed her eyebrows for a second.

"She doesn't cost much money at all. First off we're not a very popular dog shelter, but she did come from a kill shelter. She's been here for a year and a half already, we just want her to have a home as quick as possible," she said. Her phone suddenly buzzed, and she checked it, standing up. "I have to go. My names Claire by the way!"

She didn't say anything else after that, so I just watched as the girl I now knew as Claire jog off inside. I sighed loudly, and then turned my attention back to Bree. "You might just have a home with me in the future, Bree."

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