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[Saturday, February 14 2015, Louis' Mothers House, 8:27pm]

[H A R R Y]

Louis turned his head to me, then turned his body to lay on his side. "D'you wanna get some tea? Downstairs?" he asked me.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'd love that actually," I stood from the bed, and he joined me as I walked out the door. I let him go in front of me though. On our way down I heard my phone ringing, and excused myself to run up and get it. It was Julian, one of the guys who work in the studio with me. Also a very good friend.

I answered the phone, "Harry! Excited for the album release?" he asked, his voice happy.

I smiled, "Of course!" I chirped, "just a month left! I've been hiding it from everyone!" I looked to the door. It was closed. I lowered my voice as well. "Uhm, I haven't told my boyfriend yet, though. You know, about rehearsals starting in two weeks, then the album and then signings and interviews and conferences for the album, and then the tour starting in two months. He's gonna hate me," I rubbed my forehead.

"He's not gonna hate you he's gonna want to buy the album and go to ur concerts," he joked, since Louis' a fan.

I sighed, "Julian."

"Alright, but just tell him, okay? Other than that- no! Babe- Jesus Christ, Harry I've got to go. Talk to you later?" he sighed.

I nodded to myself, "Yeah, see you," he hung up immediately after I said it. I tossed my phone onto Louis' bed and went back downstairs. He had just finished making tea when I got there, and gave me a soft "hey".

"Hey," I said, grabbing the tea from him, "Lou, we need to talk," I saw his face fall, and jumped up from my seat to rush over to him. "No no no that's not what I meant! I'm not breaking up with you or anything I swear I'm just going away!" I hugged him. He still stiffened in my hold though, and pulled away to look at me.

"What do you mean going away?" he asked. He kept taking steps away from me, but I kept his hand in mine and didn't let him let go.

"Not like," I sighed, and led him to sit back on the stool, "I go on tour in two months," I told him, "we start rehearsals in two weeks, just in Liverpool-"

"Liverpool," Louis furrowed his eyebrows, "I'd think you'd rehearse in London or something," he chuckled.

I smiled. He laughed, that was good. "We've always done it there. But yeah we start rehearsing in two weeks. Then the album comes out in a month, March tenth. I get to do interviews and conferences for the album all in March in between rehearsals, too, then the tour starts April fifteenth and ends October fifth. It's only seven months, shortest tour I've done so far since the dates are a bit closer together and the stadiums are bigger so we don't have to do the same venue twice as much as the last times," I told him everything. I could tell he was shocked, and surprised. This news was just sprung on him, he didn't see it coming. It was a scary thing really, but I stayed hoping that he'd be okay with the whole thing. He had to be. This was my life.

"What's the whole, uhm... next month, like, what's gonna happen with everything? The rehearsals and album stuff. You're always all over the place for those, are we gonna even see each other at all?" he asked. He looked worried and conflicted.

I nodded, running my hand up his arm, "Of course we are. Liverpool is only an hour from where you are in Manchester. I'd be willing to drive over there afterwards. We'd rehearse most of the day and sometimes it'd be too late to drive all the way back but I'd come over the next morning if we're not working that day, and I'd be there on weekends. I already agree'd with Julian and the guys that we won't do weekends, just weekdays. Five days of the week and then I get you all weekend, Monday mornings, Friday nights, and some days in between sometimes. Promise," I said, sliding my hand back to his and giving it s squeeze.

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