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here's an unnecessary pic of me oksorrybye

if anyone has any questions about writing, me, or this story feel free to comment.


[Monday, April 20th, 2015, Louis' car, 6:20pm]

[L O U I S]

I tried calling Harry on the way to Niall's place. We hadn't talked since Saturday morning, and when we did it wasn't for long. I was having trouble dealing with us being so far away from each other with different time zones and no time to talk. If we were able to get in touch with each other every day then it wouldn't be a problem, but there were times when I'd see him on social media or him from concerts, meet and greets before concerts, pap pictures, and then I'd try calling and he wouldn't pick up. It worried me, and made me honestly want to freak out, but I didn't want to overreact.

Niall didn't know I was coming, but it wasn't like he wouldn't want me to. We always used to just randomly go over. Though I realized that with my new relationship with Harry it distracted me from hanging out with my friends.

When I got to Niall's flat I could hear music blaring, and I wasn't even in the place yet. I used my key to open the door. "What the hell," I chuckled to myself. No one was in sight. I took a few steps inside and went to call for my friend when I saw him in the kitchen. Pressed close to Zayn. Who was kissing his neck.

I screamed, a bit in horror or shock, or both. I even tried to run right out, but tripped against the corner of the couch and fell on my knees. The music shut off, and I heard footsteps behind me, then Niall's scream and Zayn's small "fuck".

"Oh no no," I ignored Niall's hand to help me up, "God knows what you've been doing," I said.

"I-I, it's not. We... I-I'm not gay!" Niall struggled.

I pursed my lips, "Eh, a little bit, yeah, you are," I nodded, "and I don't care what you are. Next time just don't be like having sex in the fucking kitchen," I grimaced.

"We weren't-"

"He's kidding," Zayn interrupted him. I noticed his one hand pressing on Niall's hip.

I cocked my head a little bit, "On the sex part, yes, on the 'doing bad stuff in the kitchen', no. I don't ever want to see that again," I point at them, "and Zayn, next time tell me what's going on with you and him. I sent him with Harry to the bar to watch footie a million years ago and never even heard what happened!" I exclaimed.

Zayn snorted, "I mean, I kissed him and ran. Nothing good happened. After that it took two weeks for him to even call me back. I had sent a text saying I shouldn't of done that and I was an idiot and he never answered."

I raised my eyebrows. Niall cut in. "We're not like, together, right now. I'm not sure what we are, but I'm just... having trouble figuring this all out," he had a frown on his face, and shrugged.

"Niall you don't need to know what exact sexuality you are. Some people don't even label themselves with anything at all. Just go out with your family and him somewhere where they can meet him but not somewhere that they'll constantly talk to him and you and make it awkward or uncomfortable. A festival, maybe. One of those spring festivals back home by town square," I suggested. I could tell he was thinking about it for a second, and then grinned.

"Yes! And I can just ask them if they want to go, and then say like... 'I'm bringing a date by the way. It's a guy'. Yeah?"

"Yeah, perfect," I assured, "but you know... I'm gonna head out now. So you can, you know," I nodded towards them, and opened the door, leaving Niall still flushed over me catching them.

When I got into the car I instantly called Harry on speaker. Although he hadn't answered earlier, I couldn't help but try again after seeing what I saw. I had to tell him.


I gasped, "Harry, babe! You would not believe what I just saw," I chuckled.

"No- I'm not Harry, hon. I'm Lou. I'm close friends with him. He's in a little interview right now and gave me the phone for safe keeping," she explained.

My smile dropped, "Oh... okay. Sorry for the bother, then," I bit my lip, "wait, but could you tell him to call me when he can?" I asked her.

"Mhm, sure! It's... it's going to be hard, Louis, there's no doubt. And I'm not trying to scare you away. You're good for Harry. But there's going to a be rare time or two when you guys won't talk for a week even, but he loves you so stick with him, please," she told me. I pursed my lips and nodded to myself.

"Okay... Thank you," I said, and hung up after she said goodbye.

When I got home, I collapsed onto the couch. Bree must of been done her food, since she came running in. I hadn't mentioned her in a while, but she had gotten big. She was a husky though, so I was expecting it. She shed like hell, but she was the best cuddle buddy someone could ask for. Besides Harry.

I grunted when she jumped onto the couch and onto me. I had to gently shove her off of next to me to lay by my side instead of on my stomach. Her head still nuzzled right up against my chest, and I ran my fingers through her fur. "It'll be okay," I sighed, leaning my head back against the arm of the couch, "he'll call back soon, and then we'll be okay," I let out a shaky breath, biting my tongue. And when my phone went off three times that night, with the name "Harry" blaring across the screen, I was already passed out on the couch to answer the call.


I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating as frequently, but I'm trying SO hard. And I know that people are giving up. It's obvious if you look at the amount of reads from the past few chapters, so PLEASE STICK WITH ME AND KEEP READING!!!

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