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^^^Idk what to say about Louis' baby of course I'm happy for him but idk it's just a surprise since all this drama with Briana happened and then the baby actually was his idek things are still shady but congratulations Lou.

*larries on*


[Tuesday, January 27 2015, Louis' Apartment, 7:38pm]

[H A R R Y]

I knocked on the door, letting my hand fall to my side afterwards. The door of opened within a couple seconds, revealing a wet haired Louis standing in the door. He looks up at me, his lips parted. Though within seconds a smile spread on his lips, "Harry!" he exclaimed, beaming.

I grinned, stepping forward to hug him. He smelled like clothing detergent and a nice honey, but that could've been his shampoo since my nose was stuffed in the mans hair. I sighed, pressing a kiss behind Louis' ear, where my mouth was hovering. "Missed you," I murmured, slightly ignoring the dog that was sniffing my foot.

"Really?" Louis mumbled.

I pulled away, furrowing my eyebrows, "Course," I nodded, kissing his forehead, "never met anyone like you before, you're amazing," I said, leaning in to kiss his cheeks and his nose, and then chuckled, because his hair was wet and stringy and falling in his face.

"You're hair is cute. You look cute and small," I said, smiling.

Louis' cheeks flushed, and he rolled his eyes embarrassingly, "I'm older than you,' he pointed out, giving me a look. I shook my head fondly, and followed when he gestured me inside.

"I uh, I just finished up with work at six, and I had to finish up some homework and feed Bree and take her out and then get a shower so my hair-" I leaned swiftly to kiss him, interrupting his rant. He seemed taken back by it, but kissed back, sighing into my mouth. He wasn't very experienced, considering he's never proper kissed anyone but me, but I didn't care. I was kind of proud of the fact, actually.

It was long and slow, moving our lips sort of in sync and taking in each other's taste. I sucked on his lower lip, pulling away and letting it go. I smiled, as did he. His lips were the partially swollen and more pink than usual.

"That was... yeah, I liked that," he murmurs, then let's out a light laugh.

I grinned, my hands on his hips, "Good because you're my boyfriend which means you'll be kissed often," I told him, pecking his lips, "I'm one for affection."

Louis smiled big, his hands coming up to my chest. His fingers grabbed onto my jacket, below the lapels, "I can deal with that," he said.

I chuckled, "Good. Now c'mon, I just got to off a nine hour plane ride with chicken nuggets as my only meal," I said, grabbing onto his hand to pull him with me.

Louis laughed, "Can't you get like five star meals? Four star at least?" he rolled his eyes.

I shrugged, "I mean, yeah, but I usually just have microwaveable easy things on the plane," I told him, "get your shoes," I instructed, grabbing a cute large blue beanie and pulling it onto his head from behind. He let out a 'hey!' and turned around, his eyes barely shown with the way I put it on him.

I laughed, and he fixed the hat before shoving his feet into his moccasins. "What're we getting?" he asked.

"Chinese? There a place around?" I questioned, to which he nodded, grabbing his phone and wallet.

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