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^^I posted Social Casualty so please go read it!!

where harry and louis, members of rival gangs meet under wrong circumstances but still fall in love.


[Wednesday, April 29 2015, London Eye, 2:48pm]

[L O U I S]

Going into London for a day with my Mum and the girls was something that we had wanted to do for a while. Me and my mum would talk about things to do and see, since you can't do it all in only one day. Lottie, being a little bit of a control freak, had made out a whole schedule even, and told the others. So now we had to go.

I had Phoebe on my lap, bouncing my knees as the ten year old stared outside in awe. We were on the London Eye, at the top. Lottie and Fizzy were talking to each other up at the glass, giggling about God knows what. Daisy kept pointing things out to my mum, and Phoebe just silent and enjoying the view.

I was about to say something to her when my phone went off. I sighed and struggled to pull it out from my pocket, but once I did I grinned and answered instantly. "Hey!"

"Hi," Harry let out a breath, "I missed you so much. I haven't been able to answer the phone as much as I'd had hoped or thought. I'm sorry," he tells me.

I lean my head onto my mums shoulder, smiling, "It's okay. M'just glad I get to talk to you now. How's the tour and everything?" my mum puts her arm around my and strokes my hair.

"It's amazing. I missed performing so much, especially with the new album and everything. Not getting the best sleep at night but I took a three hour nap the other day on the bus so that's good," he chuckled, and my smile only grew.

"I missed your laugh," I mumbled, "and you in general, of course," I let out a laugh, "I'm in London with the girls and Mum. Took a family trip."

He snorted, "No dad, then?"

I rolled my eyes, "No. I would've died. Just me and the girlies," I tickled Phoebe's stomach. She bursted into giggles and turned to grin at me.

"Is that your boyfriend?" she whispered.

"Yup. Wanna say hi?" I raised my eyebrows. She nods, and I hand her the phone.

"Hi Harry," she mutters with a shy face despite it only being a phone conversation.

"Hey, Froggy, havin fun in London?" I wanted to bash my head when hearing him call her that through the phone. It put a dopey smile on her face, too. For a moment I envisioned him calling his future kids something cute like that, but shook the picture out of my head.

"Harry says he wants to talk to you before he goes. He told me to give you a kiss for him," she kissed my cheek as I took the phone back.

"Lou, I've got to go. I'll call you soon. Keep me updated on everything back there. Especially with Niall and Zayn. God knows if Zayn's ever going to grow enough balls to ask him out properly instead of what he did last time," he referred back to when he stupidly kissed Niall at the bar. My eyes grew wide, and I gasped.

"I walked in on them yesterday!" I whisper shouted, "Zayn was like... kissing down his neck. I almost puked!" I was whispering to him to save Phoebe's ears. Harry was cackling on the other end.

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