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okay I know Harry's birthday was five days ago but I started writing it on his bday so of course I didn't have it ready that same day. This is a longer chapter too so yay congrats. anyway mY BABY IS 22 NO HE'S FIVE IMESBSJS MY LIL BBY


[Sunday, February 1 2015, Louis' Apartment, 9:36AM]

[H A R R Y]

It was a frightening going over to Louis' place without him knowing. For all I knew he had things planned for the day.

It didn't stop me from knocking on his door. Thankfully it opened right away and Louis stood right in the doorway, beaming. "Hey! Happy birthday!" he exclaimed, hugging me. Instantly I grinned, and hugged him tight. I couldn't help lifting him up just even a tiny bit. He was just so short compared to me, how could I not?

"How are you?" I asked, kissing his cheek as I stepped inside his apartment.

Louis shrugged, smiling, "M'fine, nothing special. What about you, though? Feeling older yet?" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "No and I'd like to keep it that way. Don't feel like growing up," I pouted, setting my hands on his hips. Ha just smiled, shaking his head. I would've said something else, but he cupped my cheeks, and leant up to kiss me.

I hummed in content, and kissed back, my large hands swallowing his curvy hips as we kissed. God, were his lips addictive. I could've kissed him all day if I wanted, but we had somewhere to be. So, I pulled away, smirking at his slightly darker lips, and pecked them once more.

"We have somewhere to be," I raised my eyebrows, to which he cocked his head.

"What do you mean? Thought you wanted to stay in and be lazy today," he chuckled, "I even got the movie you requested," he pointed out jokingly. I could feel my cheeks heat up, but I pursed my lips.

"How would you feel about coming to lunch with me?" I asked, "and my sister and parents and Zayn?" I cringed, waiting for a reaction.

He looked surprised at first, then confused, but then smiled embarrassingly. "You asked me last minute for a reason," he sighed.

I grinned, nodding with a giggle, "Yeah, will you go?" I questioned.

He looked unsure about it, and I'm sure he was considering he'd be meeting my parents, but he nodded none the least. "Yes!" I exclaimed. I jumped forward to kiss him, almost toppling both of us over. The kiss was broken off by Louis laugh, and he licked his lips.

"Uh, I should change," he glanced at what he was wearing, and I followed him into his room. "No!" he exclaimed playfully, trying to shove me out. I was bigger than he was though, so I smiled and kept my place.

"C'mon, I'm your boyfriend, you should be honored that I'm more than willing to see you in your boxers," I told him, grinning when his face went red. But I respected him, and turned around to face the door, closing my eyes. I heard him rustling around, and chuckled when he banged into his dresser, most likely from hopping around to tug on his jeans.

"Uh, Harr?" he asked, "what do you want me to wear? I-I mean I'm meeting your parents and sister, I don't want to look like, sleazy, or something," he said, nerves in his voice.

I turned, a puzzled expression on my face. I didn't even physically acknowledge that he was shirtless, "Why and how on earth would you look sleazy?" I questioned, cocking my head.

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