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let's get to know Liz which is me.
•I'm now 14 (as of 2016).
•I play volleyball on a club team and hs next year
•I sing and draw and read and write lol
•last one, I'm taking my makeup off rn (yes at 3:57am judge me idc) and I just can't get mascara off like I can buy it takes longer and I hate it so much bye.


[Friday, January 23 2015, Louis' Apartment, 10:13am]

[L O U I S]

I hadn't gotten out of bed all day, unless you counted going to the bathroom, getting medicine, and rushing to go throw up once. I literally wanted to cry when realizing that this wasn't going to be a twenty-four hour stomach ache. I had to call in sick again today as well as miss my classes. I called coach as well and told him that if I felt any better that I'd make it to practice but he told me not to come since there was a little virus going around. He cared more about me getting better for next practice than struggling at that one.

I was about to lean back and try to take a nap when I got a text from Harry.

Harry: Hey! How are you love?

Harry: Wait you're probably in class don't answer this. You need you're education.

I went to respond something, but stopped, pursing my lips as I looked at the texts. I couldn't help but think of the girl Harry was with the day before, and how touchy he was with her. I didn't want whatever we had to go away, but I didn't know what was up with that girl. I didn't know what to do, whether to answer him and ask him about it or just ignore it and cry myself to sleep. I'd much rather go with the second option considering it's Harry and I don't want to upset him if I got wrong information, but I just needed to know the answer so fucking bad.

Louis: no I'm home. Caught a bad stomach bug so I can't go to school or work.

Harry: Aw I'm sorry, you had told me that last night. I feel bad that I can't do anything.

Louis: it's okay.

Harry: Can I call you?

Louis: can I tell you something?

Harry: Oh wait.

Louis: no, you can call me, I need to ask you something.

I sat up when my phone started ringing. Instantly my finger pressed answer, and I held it to my ear.

"Hi, love," Harry breathed. I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey," I said, "uhm, this might sound like, I don't know. But I was on Twitter and I saw pictures yesterday of you and some girl, a-and I know you're gay but I just... you were just really touchy with her and I got kinda upset or jealous or something- God, I'm making a fool of myself this is ridiculous," I rushed out my words quickly, leaning forward with a groan. My head was practically in my lap, my eyes clenched shut.

"Louis- no, I just," he sighed, "Kayla? Brunette? She's a family friend of mine. I had been friends with her for almost forever, we wanted to catch up since she's going to school in America and she was on vacation during break. I- she's like a sister to me," he explained, "I wouldn't ever do that to you, Louis. I couldn't. Oh, jesus, I feel horrible, I should've told you that we were hanging out before you saw things from paps or fans," I could hear the stress in his voice.

"I'm sorry," I murmured.

"No, no no, you have nothing to be sorry for. You saw what you saw and made an assumption, I don't blame you. I need to do a better job of telling you what's going on whenever I'm not in Manchester or close to you," he tutted.

I pursed my lips with a small smile, "It's okay, Harr. It's not your fault. I let myself think badly of you and a friend when I should've just asked you first instead of crying to myself," I chuckled sadly.

Harry was silent for a moment, "I made you cry?" he whispered, "god, Lou, I'm so sorry. I-" he sighed, "I mean, who would want their boyfriend worrying about whether or not-" he cut himself off, and I scrunched my nose up, biting on my fist to suppress my grin. "Did I just, I'm sorry, I-I didn't-"

"No, no," I chuckled, "it's okay. I'm more than fine with it," I smiled.

"Okay," he barely whispered, and I swear I could hear the smile in his voice, "would uhm... do you want to like, want to... shit," he hissed, "I can barely talk to you, Louis, you know that?" he chuckled, "and in a good way. Your voice literally makes me loose my words."

I grinned, my hand on my face as I squeezed my eyes shut, "Now you know how I've felt about you for the past four years," I told him.

Harry exhaled, "Lou," his voice trailed off.

I turned onto my side, "Yeah?" I asked.

He took a moment, but then spoke, "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" he asked.

I bit my lip as I grinned, my cheeks aching and my eyes crinkling at the corners. I nodded to myself, and giggled. "Yeah," I said, "yeah, I do. I really do," I told him, laughing when he let out a big breath.

He just joined along, "Good," he laughed.

I felt so so happy in that moment, giddy that I was able to say that I was dating Harry. And I had said it a million times, but it wasn't even the fact that he was a multi-millionaire, or that he was a famous artist and singer and that he got to travel around the world. If anything it was the fact that he had these curls that never laid how he wanted, and that his eyes sparkled in different ways when he was feeling different things. And his dimples when he smiled, or his lean body and long legs. The muscle in his arms and chest matched with his little tummy and imperfect body.

The compassion he had for anyone and everyone. He was kind and generous, donating thousands to charities and helping people one on one. His acceptance for others and his love for equality and peace was a beautiful thing. His love for things spread for miles and miles, and when he got started on something and had a goal set there was no stopping him. He was this amazing beautiful person that couldn't get any better. Not in a million years would there be someone to top him, because no one ever could.

And god, was I just so in love with him. It was something I couldn't explain. He had only known me for about a month yet I'd known him for years. It was an odd thing, yet I wouldn't of wanted it any other way.


sorry it's a bit shorter but I just like ugh yeah so yup. Don't even know what that was right there but I needed to update something so.

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