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[Wednesday, April 15 2015, Millennium Stadium Cardiff, 8:08pm]

[H A R R Y]

I could hear the screams loud and clear even when I held my ears. It was an exhilarating noise that's unavoidable. When it's something so familiar to you, and something that you've fallen in love with over, and over, and over, and over again, it just never gets old. You could be performing your millionth show, and you would still feel like a kid on a sugar rush. Like someone going on their first roller coaster.

Because of having the concerts not back to back this time, with at least day or two between one and the next, it gave me and the band the ability to add more songs to the setlist. This tour we had thirty-five songs, about ten more than usual. We didn't even have an opening act, since when doing some math it would take about two and a half hours, excluding the time for me to talk to the crowd. It could potentially be three hours long, which is why for once we had a few breaks in between so many songs. It was a lot. More than we've ever done, but my fans meant the world to me. And for some, this could be the only concert they ever go to due to money issues, or maybe it's their first, so if that's the case then we want to give them the best show ever.

The music was going, rolling to the back of the stadium and around again. I was right behind the stage. Literally. There was a door that popped open when it was time for me to go on, and I had been behind it for ten minutes now, just anticipating the moment I got to get out there and do what I loved once again.

The intro video stopped. I grinned. A few seconds went by. Exactly twelve, like we had planned. At eight I brought the microphone to my lips, and four seconds later, I clenched my eyes shut and belted. "Hey angel!"

The door slid over, music pounding out right after the words left my lips, and I jumped, bounding down the ramp. I stopped midway. "Hey angel! Do you know the reasons why, we look up to the sky?!" I ran down more, reaching the start of the runway by the next lyric. I sang like I'd never sang before. The music along with the song was more dramatic live, just like always, especially with it being the opening song.

Instrumental went on. "Cardiff!" I screamed. They screamed right back. I kept singing, running up and down the stage, covering all of the bases. The sight was incredible. I'd forgotten just how much I was infatuated with it until that minute.

"Hey angel!- you sing!" I pointed the microphone out to the crowd, flicking my ear piece out. They came right back at me with a bullet strong "oh I wish I could be more like you" which made my face break out into a million pieces from how big my smile became.

The song finished, and I let out a loud whoop, "You all! Are so beautiful!" I told them. Someone was trying to toss a flag onto the stage, so I ran over with the mere second I had in between songs and snatched it, throwing the half rainbow half pansexual colored garment around my shoulders. Cheers erupted, and with that, Midnight Memories broke out through the stadium.

Eventually, it came to the point where I get a minute or two in between songs to read signs. They're all always interesting, but unfortunately there's too many to get to read them all.

I spot one with shiny gold around it, "Your jaw structure is more structured than my life," I furrowed my eyebrows, "love, you might want to get that fixed," I joked.

"I love you more than free wifi?" I made a face, "I don't know bout that one. I'm not very special. I once got a hamster and named it hamster, after all," I shrugged.

I tried looking farther back, and got one of the farthest ones that I could successfully read. I laughed after reading it in my head too. "I skipped two days of school to come here," I said it out loud, "babe, the concert only lasts one day," I chuckled, shaking my head. I walked backwards up the stage, smiling to myself. Then furrowed my eyebrows in mock seriousness and pointed out to everyone. "Stay in school kids! I was taken out early and will never understand chemistry or Maths because of it!" I joked with them, even though it was true. Louis however was good at all that school stuff.

"One more, then I'll try to do some later," I hummed. One caught my eye, although I didn't understand it. "I love Louis but can he date me?" I mumbled to myself, then let out a laugh. The fans screamed louder. "Well, I mean he is quite the guy isn't he," I smirked, "he's got the best personality," I walked over to my mic stand, "also has a nice face. Very nice face," I grin, loving the crowds reaction to my boyfriend when normally fans get defensive and don't like their artists relationship.

[L O U I S]

I didn't know whether to admit it to him later or not, that I was live streaming the whole first concert at Cardiff. I couldn't help it. He was playing more songs than he ever had. Songs that he hadn't ever performed live, old and new, and it made me want to be there at the concert so bad.

I freaked out when the whole thing with the girl and the sign about me came about. It was hilarious and unbelievable at the same time, that one of Harry's fans wanted me. Just a bit ironic, since I'm dating her idol.

He was currently singing Right Now, which had me grinning and mouthing the words along to the screen. For the first and last concerts of his tours he had them professionally videoed and live streamed for the fans that can't go or just for fans that want to watch in general. As in, me.

When the song ended, he wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. He had a sheer long sleeve black shirt on, with his hair tousled. It was still short, but had grown out a little bit so that when he jumped around it flopped back and forth.

Screams got louder when they saw him wipe his eyes. He shook his head and smiled. "You guys... mean the world to me. Those last few songs- Infinity, If I Could Fly, Story of My Life, uh, Right Now, are ones that mean a lot to me. They all have stories behind them, so it means a lot that you all love them and recite all the words as if they were your own," he chuckled, "I wouldn't have anything without you all right here with me. Seeing you all here in this stadium, it means the world to get to share nights like these with you. I love you with all of
my heart, every single one of you. Thank you," he nodded.

I took a deep breath and pursed my lips. Every word out of his mouth made me wish to be with him, and at that moment I realized just how much more I had fallen in love with him. Harry, who was once my idol, and was now the person who I was falling for with high speed.


this story is coming to an end very soon and I can't believe what it has done for me. I love you all so so so much and hope so much that you join in with me on one of my other stories. This was my favorite story and one that I'm so proud of, so thank you.

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