Bonus Chapter

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i'm bacckkkkkk

just kidding (at least for this story), you guys probs don't even read this anymore :( but i was re-reading it and really wanted to do another chapter bc i just loved this story and my characters sooo much so here you go!


[Tuesday, January 23 2018, 5:27pm, Harry & Louis' house]
[H A R R Y]

I groaned in frustration at my closet and shut it hard. "Do you know where my suit is? I fuckin put it in here when I got it a month ago and I can't find it." I went to Louis' closet to look, but nothing. "I got that made for this party."

"And I hung it in the spare bedroom instead so it wouldn't be suffocated by your mess of a closet." He muffled with a toothbrush in his mouth and my covered suit in his hand.

I let out a breath. "Oh, sorry." I looked back at my closet. "It's not a total mess. I keep all my nice suits and show outfits separate from my normal clothes and all."

Louis laughed and hung the suit on the door handle. "Babe, just cause it was your idea to have a separate closet for em doesn't mean you're the one actually keepin them organized." He wasn't wrong. Whenever tours end my mum always comes over to see us and insists on putting them all away. I'd tell her not to worry about it, but what would I say to her? No? Not really an option.

"Let me live." I kissed his cheek and got dressed for the evening.

Lou followed me in and changed into his suit, finally convinced to go with Gucci for this one. A simple deep red, but it was one of my favorite colors on him anyway. I watched him pull his pants up. "Make your bum look good." He smiled at the comment, but still smacked me regardless.

"Just get dressed. And don't mess up your hair, please. Ayae would not be happy."

"She would be blessed to come do my hair again." Louis threw a pillow at me, laughing when I cowered away. I grinned, stuck my tongue out, and grabbed my clothes. Anymore of that and we would've ended up late as usual. For some reason Louis wasn't having any of that today.


[Tuesday, January 23 2018, 6:21pm]
[Omniscient POV]

Louis checked his pocket one last time before walking into the building, making sure he had everything he needed. He did, just like the last five times he checked, but his chest still fluttered nervously.

Harry came up behind him and grabbed his hand. "What're you doing?" He nodded his head towards the double doors. "Wanna be fashionably late to Ed's event?" He joked. He went to tug Louis on, but Louis kissed him instead.

"Of course." He squeezed his hand, and took a deep breath before leading Harry through the doors.

"Wow." Harry looked around at all of the decor. "There's kind of a lot of people here." The comment didn't help Louis' nerves.

Ed jumped up when he saw Louis give a small nod to him. Ed snagged Harry's attention, along with everyone else's, when going up on stage. "Hey everyone." He waved out to the guests. "So I've got a good friend here with us who, thanks to some special people that we both appreciate, agreed to sing this song for them."

Harry looked around as Ed left the little stage, and gasped when he saw Adele taking his place. "My god, am I glad he's friends with her, I love her." He grabbed Louis' arm with his free hand. "Who's she singing for?" He mumbled.

Louis shrugged. "Dunno, babe." He grabbed onto Harry's other hand. "Dance with me?"

Harry snorted, but let his boyfriend lead him to the dance floor. "Louis Tomlinson offering to slow dance?" He let Louis pull him close as Adele started off the song.

"When the rain is blowing in your face. And the whole world is on your case. I could offer you a warm embrace. To make you feel my love."

Harry pouted his lips. "This song is so sweet it makes me sad." He pressed their foreheads together and hummed along. "When the evening shadows and the stars appear. And there is no one there to dry your tears. Oh, I hold you for a million years. To make you feel my love." He pressed a kiss on Louis' lips, but when he looked up he frowned. "Why's no one else dancing?" He whispered.

Louis smiled. "Ed said she was singing it for special people."

Harry gaped at him. "Louis." He looked away, and within seconds had tears in his eyes. "Don't tell me this whole event is for our anniversary."

Louis wiped under Harry's eyes, still swaying them along. "I won't tell you then." He grinned, and sang along quietly to his boyfriend. "No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do. To make you feel my love."

"Oh god." Harry was crying, openly and unashamed, as his love just continued their dance. He didn't want to say that he had a feeling about what might happen, but this was definitely more over the top than they'd done for their other anniversaries.

Louis felt a rush through his body. He pulled Harry close, and wrapped his arms around his waist. Harry beamed down at him with a sappy smile and his hands around his neck. "Say it, Harr." Louis smirked happily.

Harry giggled a bit, "There's nothin I wouldn't do." He pecked Louis lips, and then more seriously. "I mean it." He let his head fall on Louis' shoulder.

"The storms are raging on the rolling sea.
And on the highway of regret.
The winds of change are blowing wild and free.
You ain't seen nothing like me yet."

Now, Louis told himself. It was the perfect moment.

"I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
There's nothing that I wouldn't do."

He closed his eyes, breathing in and out. He squeezed Harry's side, and pulled away.

"Go to the ends of this Earth for you
To make you feel my love, oh yes
To make you feel my love."

"Harry." He said it softly, quietly, with his hand in his back pocket. Oh, god, okay.

Harry took a little step back. "Louis." He said it right back, his hands at his chest. The tears were back. Then with a little laugh Louis bent down on one knee and pulled the little box out of his pocket. Before he could even ask the question Harry had his hands on his mouth. "Oh my god!" He wiped at his eyes.

Louis opened the box to reveal the ring, and took one of Harry's hands into his own. "Will you marry me?" he asked.

And despite being a little skeptical before, the boy's face showed utter shock then. "Is that mine?" he cried.

Louis nodded. "Yeah, babe, it is." He laughed. "What do you say?" He asked again.

Harry shook his head as if he had forgotten he had been asked. "Oh, god, yes, of course!" Louis stood and put it on his finger, and Harry practically threw himself around him. Louis laughed and kissed him a few times between smiles, and gestured Harry to look at everyone around them. He was surprised he hadn't noticed both of their families being there.

Harry laughed into Louis shoulder, a laugh of surprise and happiness. "Oh my god, holy shit." He pulled away and looked at the ring for real, but he can barely notice the details with his shock.

Louis wiped tears from under the boy's eyes and laughed. Harry noticed Louis' hands, and grabbed them in his. "You're shaking like crazy!" He exclaimed. His own weren't any better.

"That's cause I didn't know if you'd say yes." Louis cupped the sides of Harry's face and slid his fingers through his growing out hair. He pecked his lips multiple times and hugged him harder than he may of ever hugged him. And that included when he first met Harry at the meet and greet.

Harry laughed out of joy and squeezed him back, kissing the side of his head. It was a new chapter after all.

the end.

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