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Sorry. Writers block. Really sucks, but we've gotta deal with it every once in a while lol. I feel really bad bc I haven't published a legit chapter since like Xmas.

I have a scrimmage this Wednesday and then a tournament this weekend right after it like tf. I'm excited as fuck but nervous as fuck bc it's my first volleyball tournament and even (legit) game playing on a volleyball travel team.


[Saturday, January 24 2015, Louis' Apartment, 3:13pm]

My stomach had felt better, finally. I had been able to go out and do things without feeling like I'm going to barf. Even if I only went out to walk Bree. It was fucking cold as shit, but it had to be done.

I was currently sitting on the counter in my kitchen, going through my Twitter and seeing pictures of Harry just walking out places. We didn't know where, only that he's in LA.

I jumped when my phone started ringing, but answered it with a grin when Harry flashed up. "Hey boyfriend," he chirped.

I scrunched my nose, "Hi, babe," I wanted to squeal with how happy he made me. I often forgot that he was "Harry Styles". Just the fact of him itself makes me giddy. "How are you?" I asked him.

Harry sighed, "Good. Been bumming all day since I don't have anything until later," he told me.

I groaned, "That's right, it's a lot earlier over there for you," I said, "w-wait, how early is it for you? Did I wake you up or-"

"Louis Louis," he chuckled, "first of all, it's only like ten in the morning. Not too early. Plus, I was the one who called you," he said.

I could feel my cheeks all flushed, "That's true," I sighed, "well, what're you up to then? Anything going on?" I asked.

Harry seemed to hesitate, but eventually he just sighed, "I don't want to sound conceited but can you watch my interview with Ellen? It's airing today. I said some things you'd like to hear," he told me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, going on the move to change the channel of the television. I thankfully didn't have to rewind, since someone was on before him.

"Should I hang up and call back when it's over?" I asked.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, "y-yes please. Uhm, sorry, I just. I really like you and it'd be awkward and I don't want to be awkward," he rambled, but let out a laugh, "sorry. But yeah, call me in a few."

"Okay," I smiled.

"Okay," he said, "uhm, okay, bye, call me."

I told him bye before he hung up, and before I knew it he was sauntering on the stage or whatever it was. He took a seat in the big white chair Ellen has for her interviews.

"How are ya, Harry?" Ellen asked once he sat down, "I would've asked earlier but your life was on the internet so there was no need," she joked. I smiled.

"I'm good," Harry nodded, "enjoying a bit of alone time while I've got it," he smiled.

Ellen raised her eyebrows, snorting, "Is there a new definition of alone, because this is not alone," I gasped when he pictures of me and Harry showed up on the screen. From when him, Zayn and Cara, and I went out.

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