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when u say u want someone to ask u to homecoming so ur sister takes care of it👌🏼😂😂I literally died omfg it was so funny (I'm not rlly going with her lol) that's my dress btw.

when u say u want someone to ask u to homecoming so ur sister takes care of it👌🏼😂😂I literally died omfg it was so funny (I'm not rlly going with her lol) that's my dress btw

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[Tuesday, April 2nd 2015, Louis' Apartment, 6:26pm]

[L O U I S]

I typed ferociously on my laptop, trying to finish this one last paragraph of an essay that was due the next day. The school year was coming closer and closer to an end, which meant that professors were trying to cram in as many things as they could. Which for me just meant more and more essays.

I sat crossed legged on my bed, leaning on my pillow against the headboard. Once in a while I'd stretch my legs out so that I wouldn't go stiff.

I heard someone come through the door. However I didn't pay much attention to it since I had an eighty percent chance of it being Harry. He had a key, and had also told me that he would come over anyway. "What're you up to?" he asked as he walked into my room.

"Homework," I mumbled, chewing on my bottom lip.

He joined me on the bed, and went to talk when his phone rang. He let out a groan
before rolling off. "Sorry. Duty calls," I watched him leave, a faint smile on my face. But as soon as he was out the door my expression fell. Ever since we had gotten back from Mexico, where I got a bit of a good tan, he had been having phone calls nonstop. I understood perfectly why, but it wasn't something that I was in favor of. I wasn't at all an attention hog, but when we were together, a fifteen minute interruption could easily get on anyone's nerves.

I was so close to finishing when he finally came back. He had a sweatshirt on, one of mine, and crawled up the bed to lay with me. "I'm sorry," he mumbled into the bed.

I brought a hand away from the device to card my fingers through his short hair. He leaned into the touch immediately, his eyes shutting and him humming in response. "It's okay," I said.

"Uh... I wasn't snooping, but I noticed that there were lots of paperwork on the table out there.... is it all from when we went away?" he asked.

I stopped my hands, and after a moment looked at him, "Uh, yeah. S'not bad though. I'll be okay. Just have to work some extra hours, take someone's late shift if they'll let me," I shrugged, trying to pass it off as okay. Although in all honestly, it wasn't. I had missed almost two weeks of work, which meant that
I missed two weeks worth of paychecks. It definitely didn't help out with paying rent and bills.

"Louis, you're graduating school. You told me yourself that they're trying to pack more work in before the end. You don't have extra hours to work," I closed the laptop while he talked, and stood from the bed.

"It's fine, Harry. Weekends are fine. I'll be fine," I assured, raising my eyebrows. He didn't say anything, so I turned and walked out to the living area.

"I- Louis. This is important. If you can't keep up with bills and such I can help you out. Knowing you, you're going to start getting stressed and sleep deprived if you try working more hours on top of school," he followed me out, still on the subject.

My voice hesitated on what it wanted to say, "I... no, that's not," I sighed, "I can handle myself on my own."

"But if you need-"

"I don't need. No offense but I don't want or need your money. I don't want it, I don't want to borrow any of it. I love you but I don't do things like that. I can work for my own things and be perfectly fine with being independent. I've done it fine for the past year," I defended myself. A part of me was nervous that I possibly offended him, but the look on his face showed nothing of it.

"Okay," his shoulders sagged.

I squeezed my eyes shut, and ran my fingers through my hair, "It's not... I appreciate it, Harry, I do. And I love that you're willing to do that for me. But we've only been together for just over two months. I can't be asking for money to help with my financial problems," I told him.

It seemed like he finally gave up, and when he nodded I could tell that he did, which was a relief for me. "Okay," he pursed his lips, "but if you ever need anything don't think twice about asking, whether it's with a bit of money or anything else, alright?" his shoulders were sagged. I sidestepped towards him to wrap my arm around his waist, then wrapped both arms around him. My face squished more against his chest when he hugged me back. "Onto greater matters, you graduate soon, and I go on tour soon," he changed the subject, but it wasn't anything better.

"Thirteen days," I whimpered, "I don't want you to leave," I closed my eyes, turning my head to dig my forehead into his shirt.

"I know," he sighed. His fingers scratching lightly and soothingly at my back, "but you'll be so busy with school that you won't even know I'm gone."

I grunt and look up at him with my chin leaning up against his collarbone, "But then I graduate and will be home for the summer trying to get a job and being all bored with no one to hang out with," I complain.

"What about Liam and Niall?"

"I talk to them all the time. We don't get to hang out as much, which I'm working on, but we still text nonstop. Since you didn't know that it shows that you're loyal and don't go through my phone, so thank you," I smiled cheekily. Harry gave me an expression of confusion.

"What, you think I'd snoop through your things?" he accused. I chuckled and shook my head, which made him roll his eyes with a fond look on his face. "What's the date of graduation?" he asked.

I made a funny face, racking my brain, "Uh... May," I dragged out the word while I thought some more, "ninth... May ninth. That's it. They only give you a few tickets though so I wouldn't be able to get you in," I frowned. He would be on tour anyway, so if anything he would be able to skype afterwards before the show if he even had one that night, but I still wished that we would be able to go out somewhere or maybe crash at his place and do something. Anything as long as I would be able to spend time with him. I had never been long distance with dating, and Harry's situation made it practically level five of long distance relationships since we would only be able to talk at certain times. It was going to hurt, that was something that I was sure of. And in all honesty, I didn't know if I was ready for it.

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