Final Character Ask

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[H A R R Y]

When are you going to ask Louis to be your precious cinnamon roll forever?

Harry: (eyes widen) "Oh, uh... well hopefully after a few years at least." (chuckles) "After all we've only been dating a few months. I love him to death, but we're not there yet."

So like when is Louis gonna join you on stage and sing a duet?? That boi can sING!

Harry: (shrugs) "I mean, whenever he wants. I'd be more than happy to sing something with him." (smiles) "He's got a lovely voice." (purses lips, blushes, laughs) "Only thing is getting him on stage in front of everyone."

What do you most look for in a friend?

Harry: "The most important thing, I think, to look for is trust. My good friends I all trust. Whether it's with secrets or trusting them not to give away my location. I've never had anyone do that on purpose, anyway. All of my friends are good with that kind of thing. They're all well grounded people, as well. Very genuine, which is a very good quality to have when having the kind of job that I do." (nods)

[L O U I S]

How does it feel to be with someone you've admired for so long?

Louis: "At first it was shocking, really weird. It felt kind of fake, actually, for a while, even with us being close. I had to get used to so many things. Especially with transitioning from fanboy to the artists' boyfriend." (raises eyebrows) "But then I eventually got used to it. I'm still a really big fan and get really excited and hyped up for things like a new album or seeing him perform- that took a while to get used to when I went on tour with him." (shakes head, smiles) "It's amazing though. He's had such an impact on me and who I had become as a person when I was only a fan, and then it all seemed to pay off somehow. I-I really don't know how to explain any of it. He's good to me." (purses lips, conceals smile)

You're such a soft smol bean stay precious.

Louis: "I- okay." (shakes head)

Now that you've graduated what kind of job do you want?

Louis: "I've always wanted to get into teaching, so I got my degree's to be able to teach drama or English. Preferably at a secondary school with older kids. I'd even volunteer to coach the football team or be the play director." (purses lips, smiles) "Harry knows all that, but I've never really brought up the play directing." (laughs) "Dunno what he'd say, but he's into acting so it's not like he'd object to it. Not that it's his choice, but still. I was in plays when I was in secondary school. They weren't the best, though."

Who are your heroes in life?

Louis: (smile grows, suppresses it) "You'd think I'd say Harry, but he was more of an idol and role model, up until I met him and realized what a nut he is." (Harry elbows his side, Louis smiles) "It's Mum, my mum. Always. She had me at a younger age, and she's been my best friend my whole life. I can talk to her and come to her about anything. We have a very close bond, and she's done everything she's been able to do to make me happy and give me the childhood I had. I'm so so grateful for her."

[Z A Y N]

Zayn: (sits down)

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