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okay I know Easter was on the 5th in 2015 but pretend it was the 27th like how it was in 2016.

[Sunday, March 27th 2015, Mexico City hotel, 8:36am]

[H A R R Y]

I woke up hot, and rolled onto my back. I stretched my leg out to the side, and let my arm fall next to me, where to my disappointment was nothing but sheets.

I rubbed my eyes before squinting them open. The light wasn't the brightest, but with the weak curtain it still shine through enough. "Louis?" I grumbled. I arched my back, curling my toes in the blanket. No one spoke back, which is when I decided quite grumpily to get myself out of bed. I was still tired,
my limbs felt heavy and weighed to the ground.

"Babe," I called quietly. We had a small apartment rented for the time we were there, so there was a bedroom and a little kitchen and living area.

Louis was sitting on the couch, and turned when he saw me. His computer was open, though I couldn't see what he was doing on it. There was only a black screen with the circle rotating over and over again.

I slumped down beside him, but laid so that I could rest my head on his lap. "What time is it?" I asked.

Louis thumbed at my hair, behind my ears, "About eight-forty. You can go back to sleep if you need. You were out a bit late with the one interview last night," he spoke softly.

I shrugged. My cheek was squished against his thigh, "No, I'm used to not getting sleep, I'm okay. What's the plan for today? We don't have anythin," my eyes were closed once again, and with the way he kept rubbing that one spot, he could have made me fall right back to sleep.

"Harry. Get more sleep," he insisted.

I sighed, and then struggled a bit to turn myself to look up at him. He had his eyebrows raised. "I'm fine. Give me some sugar, sugar," he smiled as I said it, and I couldn't help but admit that I did the same.

He bent his head down and gave me a few pecks on the lips, then sighed, "Unlike most, you don't have bad morning breath. It's not great, but not bad. But that's all you get until you wash up a bit," he pinched my stomach, and I let out a very unmanly squeal and swatted at his hand.

"You're so weird, Louis!" I jolted at the voice, almost hitting Louis' face as I shot up. The black screen must have disappeared, and then showed Louis' sister Lottie.

"You scared the life out of me," I sat back down, crossing my arms. I was shirtless, which I hadn't thought about. But with Louis on the phone with possibly his whole family, I made the move to reach over the ottoman and grab one of Louis' tshirts. Or at least one of ours.

"You could have told me you were on with someone," I murmured to Louis, who only smiled back at me and pulled the string on my pajama pants. It didn't pull
me any closer, but he kept his gaze on me.

"It's just Lottie. You've met her before," he shrugged.

I cocked my head, "I met her when I was shirtless and she thought we were in the middle of 'something'. Not a very good first impression," I told him.

"The fact that you're actually dating my idiot brother is a good enough impression," I looked to the computer again. Lottie was still there, but in the background I could see someone else walking around.

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