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[Sunday, February 15 2015, Louis' Family House, 8:27am]

[L O U I S]

It wasn't until I had started down the hall and seen the red card standing up on my mums night stand that I gasped. I stopped in my tracks, my hand over my mouth in shock. I darted into her room, and found her in her bathroom putting on a bit of makeup. "I forgot about Valentine's Day," I told her, getting more worked up by the second.

My mum put down her little brush, "Does Harry know?" she asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know. He hadn't said anything. Mum how the hell did I forget about fu-"

"Hey!" she slapped the side of my head lightly.

I groaned, "Mum! Help me! He's probably pissed off and upset about it!" I pulled at the hair that fell onto my forehead.

She sighed, "Louis, just go talk to him and apologize," she said, "I'd hope he'd understand," she kissed my forehead and sent me out of her bathroom. I stood in the middle of her bedroom for a moment before leaving and making my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Harry was already in there. He turned when hearing me enter, and instantly rushed to me.

"I forgot about Valentine's Day I'm so so sorry, Louis. I usually-" I cut him off with a "thank god" and a hug.

"I forgot too, I'm so sorry," I told him, "I don't have an excuse either. I just... no one even said anything about it. I haven't really been on social media recently and my mum didn't even say anything either when we got here yesterday. I never usually do Valentine's Day either since I haven't had someone till now," I explained, "I thought you'd be upset," I curled my fingers into his shirt, my head resting against his body.

Harry just rested his head on my shoulder, "I couldn't be upset. I forgot too. I usually don't celebrate it since I'm usually doing shows or interviews and such. That and I was too nervous on meeting your family," he chuckled.

I pulled away from him, "D'you wanna just celebrate today, then?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, but what about your sisters? They probably wanted to hang out with you," he said.

I shrugged, "It would've been either yesterday or today anyway," I told him, "at least it's still morning so we can figure out what we want to do later," I pointed out.

Harry nodded, and rubbed his thumb into my hip, "Okay," he smiled, "then happy Valentine's Day," he chuckled, and I rolled my eyes.

"Happy Valentine's Day," I mumbled back, "what do you want to do?" I asked him.

He took a second, only to shake his head slowly, "I... I'm not sure, but I'm going to figure something out," he said before pecking my lips. I smiled, and let out a breath.

"Okay then, let's go out to an early lunch in the meantime," I offered. He nodded and stood up, following me up to my room to get changed.

[Z A Y N]

I had been sitting in my studio, the extra room in my apartment, when I got a text message. It didn't have a name, only the number, but as soon as I read the message my eyes widened.

***-***-****: Hey Zayn, it's Niall, Louis' friend. Could we meet up sometime today or tomorrow?

I wiped my hands frantically on my shirt, not caring for the green smearing into the black fabric. I grabbed my phone, swiping onto the message. My fingers hovered there for what felt like minutes, until I could think up an answer. I didn't even question how he had my number.

Me: Yeah sure! I'm free in an hour if you're up to it? Uni cafe?

I let out a breath, satisfied with my answer. I then cleaned up all of supplies that had been out and ran to get into the shower. It didn't take long, and as soon as I was finished I rushed to put on a clean pair of jeans and a tshirt.

I decided to go early, just in case. If he asks how long I've been there I just tell him not long. He wouldn't know, I used to do it to Harry all the time when I'd be too excited to see him after he'd been away long.

I headed out, jogging down the stairs of the flat complex. The wind hit me hard, causing goosebumps to rise up on my arms. I rushed to my car, locking the doors once I got in. The cafe wasn't too far, and I was going early anyways, which is why I didn't bother rushing to get there. Plus, by the time I got there that one hour was up, and I only had to wait ten minutes until I saw Niall walking through the doors. He smiled timidly when seeing me, and made his way over.

"Hey," I said, keeping my hands on the sides of the cup of tea I had gotten within the ten minutes.

He sat down, "Hi," there was a moment of awkward silence because he spoke up again, "are we here to talk about what happened? Because I've been thinking about it constantly and I haven't told Louis so really I haven't talked to anyone about it and it's," he sighed nervously, "I-I'm not gay, Zayn."

My face fell, my posture slouching, "Oh," he mumbled, "I mean, Louis said you weren't but I just... thought I'd try," I smiled awkwardly.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "No, but- like... I didn't hate it," he confessed, then groaned, "and I don't really know what to do about that cause like, I don't want to end up hurting you in any way, but I don't know what to do," he rambled out.

I sat there for a moment, trying to think up something to say, "Well, uhm.... have you ever thought about being gay- or at least not straight? Bi? Because Louis said you had a thing with a girl just recently but you also didn't hate my kiss," I tried pointing out.

He just fidgeted in his seat, "I... I don't know, Zayn," he looked away, "I think I'm gonna go uh, check up on Lou. See what he's doing," he stood up. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. I knew that he was aware of Louis being in Doncaster with Harry. I only knew because Harry told me they were going.

I stood up as well, rushing after Niall, "Wait!" I called. He was already walking out and turning the corner when I caught him. And being the idiot I was I grabbed onto his arm and kissed him. Again. I should've been happy that he kissed back for a millisecond before pushing me away, but his face afterwards made me guilty. He had a look of loss and confusion, and took a step away.

"Uhm," he looked anywhere but me, "I, no... I-I can't right, uhm, now," he tripped walking backwards, "I'm sorry Zayn," he said as he turned, and continued walking off.


I'm so so sorry to everyone reading my stories. I haven't been updating often and I know it sucks because I also hate when authors do that but I'm currently in ohio. I was busy with family that I don't get to see often at all. going to the zoo and then the wedding for my cousin and her new husband (my new cousin in law yay!) (also the reason we went in the first place) then a family bbq then cedar point amusement park today (worlds roller coaster capital fuck yes) so I'm heading back to NJ in a ten hour drive tomorrow so I'll try to start the next chapter and do chapters for other stories but IM JUST SO SORRY I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO EVEN DO ANYTHING AT ALL IVE BEEN WRITING LESS WHICH I HATE BECAUSE I LOVE WRITING.


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