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[Friday, October 31 2014, Physics Building, 12:28pm]

"Niall," I whispered, leaning to my right a bit.

"What," he muttered, trying to focus on the video but obviously failing.

"I was thinking about maybe adopting a dog," I told him, keeping my voice down as one of my class mates glanced over for a second. Niall looked at me, confusion written all over his face.

"Why? Haven't you got enough on your hands?" he asked quietly.

I shrugged, biting my lip, "Dunno, I just thought about that one dog that I saw at the shelter yesterday. The girl that worked there said that the dog was at a kill shelter before and that she had been there for like over a year or so. I just thought it would be a good thing to do, I feel bad for that puppy," I pouted, slouching my shoulders in thought.

Niall sighed lightly, "I don't know Lou, I mean as much as I think it would be a good thing to do and that you would enjoy it a lot since you haven't gotten a room mate or something I just feel like it would be a bit of a struggle," he paused, "you already have class almost all day, and then you add your work and football and the dog shelter. Plus, you'd have to pay for like food and toys and that stuff, and you've got to actually pay to adopt the dog in the first place, right? Meanwhile, we're already trying to save up for those tickets," he said, which got me thinking. Because I hadn't thought of all those things, just some of them is all.

I sighed unhappily, "But what if someone adopts her instead?" I whined, "what if I ask my parents for the money to adopt her?" I gasped, then lowered my voice back to a whisper, "remember when I told you about how they asked what I wanted for my birthday and Christmas? And I asked for the tickets but they said no. Since we're working for the tickets then I don't have to ask them for that, I could ask for the dog instead!" I rambled, now excited about my sudden idea.

Niall nodded, "Yeah, that would cover the money portion. But what would you do with her during the day? She would get bored to death, and she would need to be taken on walks or runs," he pointed out.

"Can't I just have her run with the track team?" I joked, earning a chuckle from him and a shush from someone in front of us, "okay, so I haven't figured that part out yet, but when I go to the shelter I could just bring her there until we leave. She could spend time with the other dogs while we work and then I bring her back home with me. I would have to find someone to dog sit during class and such but... I don't know, I'll figure it out. Now I'm all worked up on this, I really want to do it!" I told him, and our conversation continued as the video turned off, and it was time to go.

I follwed next to Niall as we exited the room, "I would be able to watch her while you're at work and possibly football but not class. The dog shelter idea seems like a good idea though," he shrugged, making me grin.

"Yes! Thank you!" I exclaimed, fist pumping the air as he laughed.

[Friday, October 31 2014, Niall's Apartment, 8:41pm]

"What should I be?" Niall asked, his head lolling to the side as he examined his closet.

I rolled onto my stomach on his bed, propping myself up onto my elbows, "I don't know, I just found a red and white striped shirt, red beanie, and fake glasses. Bam, now I'm wheres waldo," I shrugged. He chuckled, and nodded in approval.

"I don't have anything though, the only weird things I have are that weird colorful clothes from Gregs' costume he left here from last year, he was like an eighties or ninties person or something," he said, leaning against the closet.

I thought for a second, "Wasn't the Fresh Prince of Bell Air from the ninties?" I asked, "just be him, it looks like something he would wear," I offered. Niall just sighed, though after a few more minutes of trying to find something to wear he just went with my suggestion, claiming it was simple enough.

I was just relieved that he finally found something, and I just waited for him to change and throw on a snapback before we headed out.

[Friday, October 31 2014, Random Frat House, 11:36]

The house was packed, people dancing and drinking and playing drunken games everywhere. I could recall Niall staying quite sober, but I on the other hand was piss drunk, laughing off my ass with others at nothing more than someone simply saying hello.

"Louis!" someone called, and I spun around, a lopsided smile laying on my lips. I spotted a small group of about ten or fifteen people, all gathered in a circle with someone waving me over, so of course I waltzed over to them.

"We're playing truth or dare, play with us!" I didn't even get to answer before I was pulled down onto the couch, next to someone I didn't know. I didn't mind though, seeing as I hardly knew anyone, nor did I care in my drunken state.

"I dare you to kiss Louis!" squealed the same voice, and I didn't see who it was, but I could tell that whoever was just dared was a girl because I suddenly had one on me, kissing the corner of my mouth. I quickly pulled away though, and wiped my mouth. I grimaced, thankful she barely got my lips.

"I hate whoever made that dare, I don't even go that way man," I slurred, and then a small rumble of drunken laughter erupted from my somehow funny comment.

"Alright, well then I dare you to kiss one of the guys then!" giggled one of the girls. And I would've hated her, whoever it was, but there wasn't one soul playing that wasn't drunk or very tipsy, so I couldn't really blame a stupid drunk mind.

"Who? Theres only like five guys playing and none of them are attractive," I shook my head, and took another swing of my beer, "plus all you assholes are straight as a tree," I stated, earning laughs, but I made a face when I realized I had made no sense at all, and that they were all stupid.

[N I A L L]

I weaved through people, heading for the familiar face I was looking for, "Louis!" I yelled, and pulled him up, "we're gonna go, you're drunk as fuck and I'm not staying the night!" I shouted over the blaring music, being rewarded with a pout from my friend.

"No! I wanna stay!" he whined, and stomped his foot. Though even within a minute I was done with his drunken child-like behavior, and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him down the hall and out the front door. "C'mon you big baby," I sighed, and walked him to our car, tossing him in the passanger seat. I got into the drivers seat, and started up the car, driving off. Louis almost instantly started complaining about the most stupid and random things, like he usually did when he was drunk.

"A girl kissed me," he slurred, "almost. Missed my lips. It was really gross Nialler, girls are gross, don't date one, like ever," he sighed, "why do I not like girls? How come it's gross and yucky when I kiss girls but not guys NiNi?"

"Because you're gay Lou," I answered, smiling to myself. I had to admit, even though drunk Louis could sometimes be a pain I was always up for a conversation with him.

"Gay," he mumbled, "yeah, I am gay Niall, are you gay?"

"No, I like girls, I'm straight."

"Ew, guys are better than girls though. I like guys, guys are hott," he stated, "you're hott too, but I would never date you, that's weird, you're weird, I don't like you like that," he said, with a small grimace on his face. "Niall!" Louis whined, "I want a boyfriend Niall! It's not fair! I want a boyfriend to give me kissies and cuddles and stuff," he told me, and I chuckled, because he looked like he was going to cry because of it.

"It's alright Louis," I assured him, rolling my eyes playfully.

"I know," he smiled, then pouted, "I really need a new basketball," he groaned.

"You don't play basketball!" I laughed.

"Yes I do you asswhipe! I can kick that basketball better than you can! I bet you can't even make a touchdown... thing," he mumbled towards the end, and I could tell that he was falling asleep while I was laughing my ass of at his messed up sports refference. And I just smiled the rest of the car ride as he mumbled about ice cream and his little sister being late for her prom that was only in years time, because god, I just loved drunk Louis.

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