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Guys please make sure to look at the day and date and such that I put because it helps to know how much time has passed and what is going on and where, thx


[Saturday, November 1 2014, Louis' Apartment, 9:26am]

The blaring of my phone woke me up, sending me into a fit of grumbles and annoyance. I reached out for it on my bedside table, and answered it as fast as I could.

"Jesus Christ," I mumbled under my breath, and held the phone to my ear, "what the hell Niall?"

"Someones tired," he chuckled, "did i wake you?"

"Yeah, little bit, god, my head hurts so fucking much," I whined, and slowly stood up, only to send me into a wave of nausea, "why did you let me drink so much," I complained, "oh shit."

My stomach flipped, and I made a vline to the bathroom, emptying what felt like everything into the toilet. I let myself sit there on the tiled floor for a minute, making sure I didn't throw up again before I made my way back to my bedroom, picking my phone from the floor. Niall had hung up, but I wasn't in the mood to talk to him anyway. There was nothing to do, I had already completed my short essay for Physics and finished my notes, I didn't have anything to study for, football wasn't until Monday, and I was left alone. I would have continued reading my book, but my headache wouldn't allow it.

I sighed, and got up, going to the door when I heard a light nocking. I had made sure I wasn't wearing anything embarrassing, and saw that Niall had changed me into sweats and a tshirt last night. Bless that lad.

"Hi," I answered, seeing a young boy and girl standing in front of me. They actually didn't look that young, maybe sixteen or seventeen.

The girl spoke, "Hi, my brother and I are going around asking people around the building if they need their dogs walked or animals watched or bathed and such, for free. Would you happen to have any animals that you would need watched or anything?" she asked hopefully, and I wished I could have helped them, since one; they weren't even doing it for money, and two; they looked like they really wanted to do it. But I didn't have anything that could have helped.

I shook my head, "No, sorry," I told her. She nodded and smiled anyway, wishing me a good day before walking back down to the next door with her brother. I gasped, "wait!" I called, catching her attention, "I was actually thinking about adopting a dog. Could I get your information or whatever just in case?" I asked, to which she enthusiastically nodded, and wrote it down on a small piece of paper that I rushed to grab from inside.

[Saturday, November 1 2014, Louis' Apartment, 6:15pm]

"Louis, I don't know, I don't feel you would be responsible enough to take care of something like that," my mum told me. I huffed, and crossed my arms. I had her on speaker with me as I worked around the kitchen, making a quick maccoroni and cheese for dinner.

"Please, mum, I know it's a lot but I also know that I'm responsible enough to handle it. I have people to dog sit when I need to and I know exactly what I would do with her during football and work and such. All I need is the money to adopt her and buy supplies for her," I told her, "two teenagers who live in the building would be able to dog sit when I need them too. I already talked to them. Niall told me that he could watch her while I'm at work and football and I would probably be able to bring her with me when I go to the dog shelter since I would adopt her from there anyway," I said, and bit my lip, crossing my fingers as I waited for her reply.

All I got was a sigh, "I'll talk to your dad, okay, hun?" she asked, making my shoulders slouch down.

"Okay," I muttered, and wished her a good night before hanging up. I picked up my so called dinner and took it into the livingroom, grabbing my book and phone in the process. I couldn't help but log onto my twitter and scroll through practically eveything, tweeting and retweeting a few things for my one point two million followers. And don't ask how the hell I out of all people managed to get that much. It's all thanks to the four years since Harry went onto the XFactor.

Most of my followers liked my account mostly because one; I was a gay fanboy, and two; I had pretty funny, cheeky, sarcastic relatable tweets. I loved it though, twitter was honestly fun, because even though I wasn't big or famous or anything there was still a lot of people who loved my account and got all excited when I followed them, which I did a lot.

I was proud to say that this was my life. I was going to a good college, I was on a very good football team, I didn't hate my job, I had good friends, and I was part of a fandom that, as a twenty-one year old, I was absolutely infatuated with, which was fine by me. Though everything except for the fandom part slipped away when I was at home alone with nothing important to do, which gave me a chance to fangirl, I refuse to say fanboy since it sounds weird, and squeal about my favorite nineteen year old singer with nobody watching. Also gave me the chance to do a livestream, which is actually younow, though. I used to use livestream but apparently no one uses it anymore. Now, younow is the thing to use. Even though it was usually only watched by a few hundred at the most it was my favorite.

@fuxkmeharry Younow anyone? RT if yes

(dont actually look up that twitter account, I made it up)

I sighed, and went through my time line, smiling slightly when I saw the tweet being retweeted more and more. Though I waited another twenty minutes until looking back at my account, nodding to myself when seeing it at a bit more than six hundred retweets.

@fuxkmeharry Starting younow!! Tweet me questions or dares or anything I can talk about!!

I jumped up, grabbing my laptop from my bedroom. I looked around the small room, taking a seat on my bed, right in front of my poster. I quickly set up the livestream, but had to wait a couple minutes to gather some tweets from others on what to do or talk about. I tweeted the link to my soon to be younow.

You are live!

"Hello!" I sighed, and looked at the screen. Five viewers.

"What the hell, where is everyone?" I whined, and grabbed my phone, "I have an idea to get more viewers, watch this master plan," I said, a smirk on my lips.

@fuxkmeharry The more viewers I get the more people I'll put in group chats with Zayn Malik ;))) Who wants it??

"Thats the only reason you guys like my shitty ass, isn't it, only because I'm followed by Zayn who doesn't even know who I am since I don't post pictures of this face," I said jokingly, and to others it probably would have seemed like I was talking to myself, but then again I guess I sort of was.

I got a couple comments on that statement, saying oh no we love you because of you not him, which made me laugh since I was clearly joking. "At least I'm getting a lot more viewers now though, thats like almost one hundred already, " I said, "I'll start putting you guys in group DM's and then take myself out so it's just you and Zayn. Just give a shoutout for the broadcast with the link and proof that you're watching and I'll DM you," I told them, and then whipped out my phone again.

@fuxkmeharry Following whoever watches and promotes!

I hit send and then went on to look at anything I was mentioned in to get something to talk about.

"DrugZarry says are you actually gay. No hun, I'm actually a giraffe, so," I shrugged, and kept going like that, reading and replying to comments and questions as I did DMs with Zayn and a fan.

"Featharry said how tall are you? I don't get why the hell anyone would want or need to know that but I'm in fact five-nine," I lied with a pout, actually being five-six. "What song should I put on?" I asked myself, and gasped when I pressed play to a song in Harry's first abum Light It Up.

"Now you were standing there right in front of me," I sang dramatically, "oh my god, I fucking love. This. Song!" I exclaimed. And that was how the rest of the next hour went, me squealing and answering things that others were saying, commenting my own opinions, putting viewers on group DM's and going off about practically anything that was interesting, which in this case, was everything.


Just an inside look at Louis' fanboy life ;) and omf the gif I cant even he's beautiful ur beautiful Louis help

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