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Can we talk about how I have long, filed, painted, beautiful nails and I jUST BROKE ONE SO NOW I HAVE TO CUT THEM ALL FML IM

okay you may read now :)


[Tuesday, January 20 2015, Louis' Apartment, 10:28pm]

[L O U I S]

It started late at night going through Twitter. Answering questions and commenting on things and trying not to fall asleep in the process. I had finished my assignments earlier, and as much as I tried sleeping, it wasn't helping until right then. Which sucked because I finally almost fell asleep and then someone texted me.

Harry: Are you still up?

I smiled.

Louis: Yeah. What're you doing?

Harry: Just sitting around being bored, if I'm honest.

Louis: Same over here. Finished all my work up but now I can't fall asleep.

Harry: Wish I could :/

Harry: Hey Lou I have to tell you something

Louis: You're making me nervous...

Harry: No don't be! I just have to leave for LA for a week. I have to be on the plane tomorrow night.

Louis: Oh lol, tomorrow's? Will we be able to meet up or something before then?

I could feel my face get hot as I sent that text. I didn't want to feel needy, but we had hung out almost every day the past week after the paparazzi incident. I didn't want us hanging out to go away.

Harry: I'd be a little disappointed if we didn't :)

Harry: Not being able to see a face like yours for a week is going to kill me :)

I squealed. And it wasn't even because of the fact that he was Harry Styles. Instead only because he was cute, and flirty in a subtle way, and respectful and nice and just everything that I want.

Louis: You're making me blush.

Harry: Good. You're cute when you do!

Louis: Thanks🙈

Louis: It makes me kind of worried. I don't know what we're going to do if we continue our relationship if you're always traveling away.

Louis: And I respect your job trust me I do. I love it. I've just never done long distance so I don't know what to expect

Harry: Please don't be nervous about it. We can absolutely talk about it when I get back or even when I'm there but I'm not leaving for long and I want to continue seeing you please!

Harry: I really really like you Louis

Louis: I really like you too :)

Harry: That makes me happy😊 and don't worry anymore!

Louis: I'll try.

Harry: Good. I'm going to go. Have a lot of sleep to kill.

Louis: Okay, I'll see you tomorrow hopefully?

Harry: Absolutely :* do I get a kiss from the lovely Lou?

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