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Instead of doing her work, here chaeyoung is sitting in balcony, her ear pods in her ears listening to random songs played by spotify, stargazing, imagining. She must submit the song to JYPE the day after tomorrow, but who cares, she is son chaeyoung and she will do whatever she wants.

The door of her allotted room opened but she was so drowned in that loud volume music that the far door voice can't reach till her ear, but she wasn't deaf to not to hear the sound made by sliding the door of balcony.

She turn her head to know who exactly he or she is but here her heart goes again. Just by witnessing the latter, she is going crazy.


Mina : "Can I sit here?"

She pointed at the comfortable cushion filled chair beside chaeyoung on which her laptop was laying, untouched. She picked it up and put it on the ground, not at all caring the expense that apple laptop carry.

Chaeyoung : "hmm"

They both sat in a situation where no one has anything to say, to ask but actually they have many thing to say, to ask. The only sound which can be heard is chirping of the crickets from the far most green area.

Mina : "I thought you were working on your new song?"

The voice was low, just the level in which chaeyoung can feel more and more comfortable.

Chaeyoung : "Why? Are you excited for my new song? I wasn't aware that you are my this huge fan"

Luckily the voice isn't filled with anger, sarcasm, or any negative feelings, the voice was something which is seeking for fun, for enjoyment, for a normal conversation.

Korean's lips were curved a beautiful smile on her face as she looked at Mina, her hands on her knees intertwined their fingers with each other, her backbone bended a little, just as cool and attractive that girl could be.

Mina : "N-No, who said I'm your fan?"

Not able to catch Chaeyoung's joke, a shy mina replied.

Chaeyoung : "Your kid speak more than he should"

She chuckled and turn her head towards the stars again. Again, once again the stars aren't pretty anymore because Mina is beside her.

Mina : "What did he said?"

Chaeyoung : "All kids were chatting during lunch and exchanging their favorite songs, instead of telling which song he love he said that 'my mom loves every song written by Son chaeyoung' not at all knowing that son chaeyoung is sitting beside him"

Chaeyoung mimicked Aiden's soft voice in a funny manner. They both shared a nice laugh, they missed it. All those years they spend in tears, just because the latter is not by their side, but now the laugh is incredible.

Mina : "It isn't my answer"

The old Mina, though you want to you can't distract her from asking you the question you are avoiding.

But what Chaeyoung will reply? That she just can't get over the beautiful face of yours, she can't get over the lingering voice in her ear, she can't stop the memories that keep flashing in her head. She can't, though she want to spit everything out she is suppressing it.

Decided to lie she just said whatever her brain responded to the situation and the question.

Chaeyoung : "The stars are beautiful that's why decided to enjoy them rather than writing. How about your books?"

Mina : "Almost to the end, just deciding a perfect ending"

With a nod they both looked at the sky again, black, grey yet beautiful. And...

Deja vu!

Both of them are surrounded by silence again. It's a silence which is reviving both of them, the years ago stopped heart started beating again.

Mina : "How's aunt?"

Just to have a conversation with the latter she asked any random question that clicked in her head, though she is already aware about the answer.

With a sigh chaeyoung stated...

Chaeyoung : "You already know the answer"

Mina lowered her head, she wasn't aware that chaeyoung knows that her aunt still talks to her almost twice in a week.

Chaeyoung : "Why you never called or texted me?"

Mina : "Huh?"

Chaeyoung : "You heard it clearly Mina"

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