Sam And Plans

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"This couldn't be happening" That was the only thing Eliza could think at the moment. The words that his daughter, Alex had told him just a few minutes ago, had been etched in his head. The matriarch Danvers will admit that she was scared and quite worried.

Her eldest daughter was beginning to remember what happened so many years ago, in a few months it would be the thirteenth anniversary and birthday of her unknown  granddaughter.

The elder woman was sure that if Alex ever comes know the truth, the woman is sure that her daughter would be capable of stop talking to her.

There were nights when the mother Danvers couldn't not think about what her life would be like if she and Jeremiah hadn't put that baby up for adoption. Maybe Alex would have been even happier or maybe their family would have become more close.

Years ago, after learning that her child was pregnant, one day he had heard the woman admit to her sister that she was actually excited to be pregnant, that a hole in her heart that she didn't know she had, had been filled and that despite knowing the little being in her belly she already loved him.

And Eliza knew that feeling, when she got pregnant with Alex, she felt the same way, that made Eliza feel like a monster; she had taken that feeling away from her child.

The older woman had taken away too many things from Alex, her right to hold her baby, the possibility of naming her, raise her, see her child grow, lough and cry and love her. She took away Alex's happiness and the most important, her right to be a mom. What kind of parents do that type of stuff?.

And to finish messing up everything, she made Hank erase Alex memories, just because Eliza didn't like how Alex was behaving. Who knows what happened to her daughter's child?.

The matriarch didn't know were she ended up, if she was adopted or if she was still in foster care, she also didn't know what the girl looked like, what she looked like or her personality.

She didn't know anything, what she liked to make, her favorite food or if she was a little like her or Alex.

The day Alex called her crying in the middle of the night, because she had broken up with Maggie, because her daughter wanted a family and Maggie didn't want to, when Eliza was getting ready to sleep once again, she broke down. Her beloved daughters sadness, was her foult.

Maybe She and Hank should tell kara and Alex the truth, confessing that they erased their memories so that they would forget the very important event that happened in their lives years ago.

For sure, Alex and Kara would hate her, but it was something Eliza needed to get of her chest and both women had the right to know the truth.

At the same time, Eliza decided that she would Investigate this Lucy girl. Maybe that kid had something that triggered Alex memories. But first she has to talk to Hank, if they were going to tell them, the pair had to plan how, when and where...

Tomorrow, Eliza would call Hank and in two weeks she  would go to National City, she had already bought a ticket and Unfortunately it wasn't until two weeks from now when she had the time to travel.

- Honestly, Alex was glad she had talked to her mother. She felt, Eliza was the only one who was going to able to help her. Although she didn't really wanted to tell Jhon, the agent was sure that would get her in trouble for being working when she was in the state she was in.

It wouldn't be the first time Jhon scolded her for something like that. It's not new for any of them this type of arguments, Hank telling her to rest when she's hurt or sick.

But this time, Alex was willing to hear him, the Agent really wanted this to end. She was tired of the headaches, of feeling tired and dizzy. The red head needed to understand what was going on with her, all her friends were extremely worried about her, For the first time in the 8 years he has been working at the DEO, Alex was failing.

The oldest Danvers had started getting late to work and her combat movements were sloppy and slow, she could not even focus and concentrating has never been a problem for her not when she used to study not when she started working, this was until 3 months ago since that talent show.

Alex couldn't help but think of what maybe if she hadn't gone to school that day, maybe she wouldn't be going through this situation.

She would like to know why this all started that day, it had been a common day; she woke up, had breakfast, took a shower, went to work, got home and then headed to Ruby's school. Alex and Lena and Kara  usually accompanied Sam to pick Ruby up from school.

But that day, something was different; What? She still didn't know, she didn't do anything different, and then she met Lucy... Well Lucille for her. And felt an instant connection with that kid.

It was curious, she never seen that kid  before that day, but Lucy intrigued her so much. There was something special in Lucille, but Alex has a plan to try and learn a little more about the young kid. The agent knows that Lucille has a sister, maybe she could talk to that little girl.

Yeah sure, Alex have never really been with children of any age but the red head would just let things flow and try to talk to her... It shouldn't be that hard.

Next Monday, Alex, Lena and Kara were going to accompany Sam to pick Ruby up from school. Then Alex would just look for that little girl and  she would talk to her, there were plenty of reasons she wanted to meet both girls.

Alex needed to know if everything was okay on their house, know they were safe and maybe ask her a little about Lucy, learn more about her since that was something she wanted to do a long time ago.

Yes, maybe it was going to be weird, a strange lady practically harassing a little girl of a maybe barley 7 years old. She would be asking her random questions about her family life, but Alex was almost sure, the Agent would try to talk to her a little first, get to know her a little bit.

Alex was sure Lucille wouldn't be happy she was going to talk With the girl which name she  thought was Sophia, but that everybody called Sophie or at least Lucille did.

But once again, Alex would have to wait until the monday to get her plan up and running. Sam already knew, so the agent knew, her friend was going to help her.

Actually it was Sam the one who told her about Sophie, and maybe the brunette kryptonian wasn't too happy that Alex would be getting involved with someone like Lucy, but at the same time she understood, it was something Alex had to do to be at peace with herself and maybe Sophie wasn't like her sister.

But Alex didn't thought Lucy was bad, maybe the kid was just having a hard time. She was just becoming a teen, and Alex remembered how hard growing up was. Or maybe her parents were getting a divorce or something.

Sam was just mad that Lucille was picking on Ruby. And it made sense, if she ever had a daughter and finds out that someone was bulling her, the red head would be pretty pissed.

But anyway I would try to talk to her, and try to make her understand what she was doing wrong. It wasn't going to be easy, alex was sure of it.

In the time she met and how little she talked to her she had learned that Lucille was not the most open person in the world. On the contrary, she reminded him a little of Lena, a reserved, stubborn and lonely person.

Kara also wanted to talk to lucy, the blonde had confessed to him. He told her that he had felt a strange connection with the girl the time they spoke and was about to follow her as a supergirl to his house the other day to make sure she was okay.

Her little sister also told her that she thought that she knew her from somewhere or else she remembered of someone but couldn't remember whom. Especially his nose and eyebrows, they reminded him of someone.

The girl also had beautiful blue eyes, similar to those of kara and a long red brown hair and deep. She was short in stature, smaller than Ruby and skinny.

That was all they had seen and know about the girl. Personally, Alex thought the girl was really beautiful and loved the one who so far had little personality than the young girl had shown.

But Alex would deal with it another day, the DEO agent at the same time was happy, on Monday she would have a lunch-date with kelly. Finally after 4 months they were moving forward, Yes, of course they were going somewhat slow for their liking, but I really wanted to have something with kelly.

They got along very well, they had a lot of things in common and kara liked kelly and kelly liked kara, and that was one of the most important things for her...

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