Closets And Best Friends (Pt. 2)

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For first time in months, Alex was nervous. She was having a date with Kelly. They were having lunch, in a Italian restaurant and Alex was prying to not mess up this. The agent really wanted this relationship to work. With Kelly, Alex felt really happy and relaxed. An effect that almost no one had in her but her sister. The agent was allowing herself to have hope for a future with someone.

The oldest Danvers was just arriving at the restaurant. Kelly was already there, the woman noticed when the other brunette wave at her. Alex tried to not look nervous, so she took a deep breathe and headed towards kelly. They greeted each other, and just talked and ate.  Alex really thought her date would be a complete desaster, but in fact it went very well. But everything flowed in a simple way and Alex was really happy about that.

Both of them had fun, at least that was what the agent thought. Alex had finally made up her mind that she lined kelly and she wanted a relationship with her. And Kelly apparently wanted that too.

Unfortunately, the brunette had to leave quickly as she was called from work for an emergency. But when they were saying goodbye, something happened that Alex didn't expect, they kissed, it was nothing very big but since Maggie, for Alex this was a big step.

But as always, happiness never lasts. The redhead was already alone and honestly she was somewhat relieved by it at the time, she was starting to feel a little dizzy, a feeling she was already getting used to.  Alex believed he already knew what was about to happen, and from experience the oldest Danvers preferred to move to the restroom.

When she got to the bathroom, just in case she locked the bathroom door. Her vision began to get a little blurry. This time Alex decided to prepare herself, so she sat in the floor and support her back against the wall behind her and close her eyes and wait for it.

2 minutes later, the headache started and then the sudden tiredness came too. And next, the part that she liked the least, the vision, apparently this was a new one. This time she the DEO agent was arguing with her parents, again in the living room, they were all yelling and Kara was just next to her side with tears on her eyes but Alex, herself was like fully crying.

For first time she could them talking, it's was pretty confusing. It was a conversation she didn't understand but the context of it was so clear.

-"Alexandra this is not your decision, understand that!". It was her mother talking... Well yelling. 

-"I don't care! She's my baby, I'm not just giving up on her. If I have to leave this house and move alone to an apartment, I will do it!" Her teen version talked this time, her face was red and her eyes filled with tears and swollen.

-"Alex, understand... The kid is going to be put in adoption. We already made the decision". That was her dad talking, he was calmer than her mother and Alex.

-"Dad, you don't understand... She is my daughter. I love her, you can't just take her away  from me, she needs her mother and I need her. How would you have felt if grandma had made you put me or Kara in foster care when mom got pregnant? Terrible right! That's what I'm feeling" Alex tried to reason, she would do everything in her power to keep her daughter.

-"No, Alex don't try to manipulate us. I'm tired of your pity party! Your father and I are trying to fix the mistake you made. Honestly I thought you were smarter that this, not someone who would go and have sex with the first boy in your way. And then of course, he just left. What were you thinking? You are just a teenager!" Eliza was furious, this was the worst mistake her daughter could have made.

-" Wait... Eliza don't you think you're being a little rude. I mean, if Alex wants to keep little bean, it's up to her. We should just support her. Alex and I have a part-time job I'm willing to help Alex with the baby, you know? With all the stuff she would need, the diapers, formula, clothes... Everything" Little bean was the pet name kara had put to her niece, Alex decided she didn't want to put a name her daughter until she was born.

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