Matches And Lena

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Another month had passed and Alex was starting to give up. The only thing they knew was that her child was in National City, but at least they had some information.

Kelly had joined them in the search, asking her child psychologists friends and even some social workers she knew if they knew something about a baby born in 2007 put in adoption by a teen the same year.

They had given her lots of documents which Kelly would have to read one by one, it was tedious but she wanted to help her girlfriend. While Lena had been a little more successful, she had found a certain number of girls born on the same date as the birth of Alex's daughter.

Interestingly, Lucy her new short friend had appeared in those documents as well. The young CEO already had more than half of her list but still did not dare to do the DNA test with the teenager, Lena really didn't think Lucy was the redheads daughter so Lena decided that if she didn't make any match with any of those other girls she would try with Lucy's DNA at last.

The black-haired woman had decided that she wasn't going to tell Alex and kara anything about her discovery so as not to excite the sisters. And if she discovered something highly relevant or found the girl, Lena would tell them immediately.

The young Luthor had told Alex that the whole process would be easier if she told them who the father was but unfortunately the agent couldn't remember, from what Lena had understood Alex had not yet recovered all her memories but had promised her that she will barely remember it.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer options and that it was getting closer and closer to her last option which was Lucille, Lena decided to ask Eve about Lucy's past.

The short blonde didn't tell her much, not because she didn't want to, it was that she didn't know much about it. If I confirm the date of her birthday and that the young girl was an orphan but that was it.

Lena had also thought about asking Lucy one day that Lucy will visit her in her office for their chess sessions or when they worked on small projects together or there were times when they would just get together to watch documentaries or just read.

Honestly, the CEO was delighted with Lucy it was the first time she had someone who talked with about science and that type of stuff. In the end, Lena decided not to ask the girl anything as maybe it could bring back bad memories or upset her.

- Everytime Lucy was getting better and better and Eve was happy about it. Yes, they still had a long way to go but they were going from little to little. The teenager had been able to recover her good school grades and had been allowed to do all the homeworks she hadn't done.

Sure, Lucy was still sad about her sister but she was aware that it would take time to get over her sisters death. They didn't got to made her a proper funeral since the morgue stayed with the body so Eve came up with the thought of buying her a stuffed animal and some flowers and they went to leave them outside Tom's house.

They had not yet found Tom, but the cops were still looking for him. Every day Lucy lost more hope but there was not much to do. She didn't really know what would happen once they found him and what would happen to her in the future.

He had been staying with Eve for a month and a half but I knew that at some point she would have to go back to the foster system and that they were simply giving her time to recover. It was stupid... She was already pretty messed up.

Maybe she could apply for an emancipation once she turns 13 or 14, it wasn't a secret she wasn't going to get adopted now that she was 12 years old since people tend to prefer younger children.

And even if someone wanted to adopt her, Lucy wasn't sure she would accept. In his years of experience he had learned not to trust anyone, many times people only adopted to have employees and someone to cook them and clean their houses.

And the teen didn't have time for it, she was already busy between her studies and her job. She usually just worked at night in a small shop as a cashier and sometimes cleaning when she really needed the money it was hard because she needed to wake up early in the morning and go to school, at noon she studied a little more and made her homework and at night she worked.

Lucy was aware that Eve didn't like the fact that she constantly overworked herself. She didn't understand that the teenager needed the job to pay her school supplies and food. Eve had already several times offered Lucy to help her buy her things but she always refused the offer.

Lucille knew, Eve wanted her to have at least a semi-normal childhood. The blonde didn't understand that the the brunette wasn't a kid anymore and that she would never have a normal life, the only normal thing in her life was her school life. Basically Lucy's life was unstable in many ways and there was anything she could do to change it...

- Lena was nervous, she had spent her evening running more tests and any of the girls made a match with Alex. There was one last girl to try with... Lucy. The CEO couldn't help but think that it made sense. The teen had Alex's nose and chin a similar personality but she didn't want to jump into conclusions.

In the time she had known Lucy every time she could see a lot of Alex in the teen so it would be strange. Honestly Lena wouldn't know what to do if Lucy was the oldest Danvers child. The teen would freak out if she ever finds out the truth and who knows how Kara and Alex would react.

It could go very good or very bad, maybe Alex could feel bad because she did not recognized her own daughter or she could feel happy because she already had interacted with her daughter although not in the best way and without knowing that the girl was her daughter.

Meanwhile, Lucy was the one who worried Lena if the news was true. It wasn't a secret that the blue green-ish eyed teen had abandonment issues and probably a lot of inner anger so it would be strange if the young teen didn't react in the best way.

Now Lena was walking side to side trying to decide what to do. She was nervous of what the results could be. This could change everything in Lucy's and Alex's and Kara's life and maybe even Eve's. Sometimes Lena wish having a family like that but it was basically impossible.

Her "family" was full of sick people who hated her. She had no family left but if she could help this two girls, she would Mostly knowing how it feels to grow up away and as an orphan like Lucy who at least had Eve.

Once Lena made up her mind, she took a deep breath and started doing the process to run the tests to see if there was a match. Each test took about an hour to get results so there wasn't much to do but wait.

One glass of wine later, Lena could hear her alarm beeping, it meant that the results were ready. Slowly, the CEO started making her way back to her computer. Lena took another deep breath and started reading line by line on her screen. When she was almost reaching the end, Lena looked away taking a few minutes to calm her heart which was beating fast.

She would defently need alcohol after this, but the woman took courage and read the end of the document. Slowly the raven haired woman started getting dizzy and her face started turning whithe as a sheet. She couldn't believe what she was reading. What would she tell to Alex and Kara? Who should she tell first? Should she tell Eve about this? Rubbing her eyes she read the information in her screen again.

DNA Positive

"What the hell..." Lena murmured to herself.


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