Chapter 43. | stronger

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(Jennie's OOTD)

43 ;

"Good morning beautiful." My girlfriend smiled as I started to stir awake. "Good morning." I said tiredly. "My mom and dad already left for work." She informed me.

"Good to know." I replied as I slowly sat up against the headboard of her bed. "Are you hungry?" Santana asked. "A little." I answered before I yawned loudly.

"Go get ready and I'll quickly make us something to eat." My girlfriend smiled. "I can't ask you to do that." I stated. "I have to eat too you know." She smiled before placing a kiss on my forehead and exiting her bedroom.

Yesterday was one of the worst days of my entire life. I am certain that I am now traumatized and therapy will be most likely needed. But...we'll see how things work out later.


"I'm sorry, but since a student had lit firecrackers stuffed down his pants three years ago, we've had a zero-tolerance physical violence policy." Principal Figgins said to Santana, Ms. Shelby, Finn, Mr. Shue, and I.

"Is that why you suspended all the kids who have been tossing slushies in our faces for the past two years?" Santana questioned. "Slushies are not on the school board's approved list of suspend-worthy weapons." Figgins answered.

"Here's what you have to understand, I didn't do it." Santana stated. "We all saw what happened. You slapped Finn in the face, unprovoked." Mr. Shue said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It wasn't unprovoked! He outed us to the entire fucking school! If you ask me, he should get more than just that slap in the face." I said seriously. "Jennie, calm down." Ms. Shelby said.

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