Dance Night or Disaster

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C H A P T E R # 1 7

I was in my room wondering what I'm gonna do with my hair and my makeup. I can't call Adrianna, she's probably still asleep, she was way more drunk than me last night.

I decide to just wait a couple hours until Adrianna wakes up. I go downstairs and see my mom grabbing her purse to leave.

"Mom where are you going?"

"Oh I'm going to stay with your father, all day today. I've got the day off and you're going to a dance which you'll probably not be home tonight so I might as well" she says

"Um maybe I can come with you, you know just for a couple hours"

"Yes honey sure that's a good idea!"

We packed a breakfast for my Dad, and we head off to the hospital. During the car ride there I asked my mom how was my dad doing because I haven't visited him in a week and a lot can happen in a week. She answers me with a good. She says that the doctors have been telling her that he's been doing great.

"oh my gosh mom that's amazing, do you know when they're gonna let him come home?" I asked

"That was my surprise to you he's coming home this Sunday" she smiles

"No way! Oh my gosh yes I'm so excited!" tears fall out of my eyes "I've been waiting for the day he'd be finally get to come home, and now that day is near"

"I know honey" she smiles at me and wipes my tears "I wanted to tell you last night when I found out, but you didn't come home"

"Oh I can't wait to see him" I wipe some tears off my face. The of the ride there was nice and quiet. I was so happy! Oh I can't wait to do all the things we used to do.

As soon as the car was securely parked in the parking lot, I grabbed the basket with lunch and excitedly got out of the car.

My mom and I walked into the hospital elated to see my dad. We to the front desk.

"Hey Shea, here to see Kazembe" my mom tells the lady at the front desk

"Hey Claire, you guys can go right on up" she smiles

We get in the elevator and go up to floor 5. Then we walk down to room 5128.

My mom opens the door and I see my dad. We fully walk into the room and see him sleeping.

"Aww he's sleeping" my mom cooed

I shut the door behind me, and my dad woke up.

"Claire! Zendaya! I'm so happy to see you two" he says really excited

"Hey dad! Mom told me you're coming home on Sunday" I say and then run over to him and give him a tight hug

"Yeah I'm so excited to finally be able to come home now, but enough about me coming home we'll celebrate on Sunday. I wanna catch up with the both of you" he smiles at us

We give him the basket with breakfast, and my mom and I pulled a chair to sit on each side of my dad.

The next 2 hours have filled with joy and laughter. I've been sitting with my parents talking about anything really. We've been cracking jokes. It was all like some big reunion.

I check the time, and say it's time for me to go. I needed to call Adrianna and ask her to pick me up.

I excuse myself to call Adrianna. I walk out of the room and into the hallway. I pull out my phone and called Adrianna.

"Hello" says Adriana and her usual perky voice

"Hey how are you? How's the hangover?" I ask her

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