Do I Like Him?

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C H A P T E R # 1 5

"Mom, I'm home!" I yell as I walked into the house.

"Hey Daya, how was your day?" She asks

"Amazing you should see the dress I got for homecoming" I say pointing to my bags

"Homecoming? You're going to homecoming and you didn't tell me?" She looks at me shocked "you never go to any of the dances what happened now?" She asks

I guess I did forget to tell my mom. I might as well tell her now

"Mom, I was asked to go to homecoming, that's why I'm going"

"Oh how did Christian ask you?" She asks clearly clueless that me and that douche are no longer together

"Um no Christian didn't ask me. Christian and I broke up" I told her

"Why? What happened?"

"He was cheating on me" I say emotion less

"Oh my gosh that's terrible honey! Are you okay, do you need any support?"

"I'm clearly fine mom, I honestly don't care anymore"

"But I thought you really liked him. How come you aren't as heartbroken?" She asks

"Honestly mom, I don't know. I guess I stopped having feelings for him a long time ago, I just didn't realize it"

"Okay. So if Christian didn't ask you, who asked you?"

"Trevor" I smile. Weird how I always smile at the mention of his name.

"Trevor? Your fake boyfriend?"

I nod

"How did he ask you?"

What's up with all these damn questions

"It was incredible mom. Come up to my room let me show you something" I say dragging her up into my room

"What is it Daya?"

I grab the Roses from the vase and handed them to my mom

"Throughout the day I received these roses. You see the cute notes. Each rose has a letter from my name too. So if you put it together it spells my name"

"Aww" my mom gushes

"How he asked me was he left a trial of rose petals leading to the cafeteria, and when I walked in these he was with the last rose. he gave me the last rose and asked me to homecoming" I smile at the thought

"That's adorable" she smiles "I've never seen you so happy. Are you sure he's just your fake boyfriend?"

"Yes I'm sure mom" I laugh

"Do you like him?"

I never really thought deeply about it. Do I like Trevor? Nah I'm sure I'm just his fake girlfriend to him. Nothing more, nothing less.

Although that doesn't explain the weird feeling I get when I'm with him. Even when I was with Christian, whenever I was with Trevor he'd make me forget all about Christian. Maybe that doesn't mean anything. I'm not really sure. Even if I did like Trevor, would he even feel the same way? There might be a little possiblity he might like me.

What am I thinking he doesn't like me, he's a player for christsake. He probably thinking about all the girls he can't screw right now because he's in a fake relationship with me.

Well if he's thinking that then why would he even ask me to be his fake girlfriend. I feel like he asked me to be in this fake relationship for a stupid reason. Like Kenzie would've easily backed off Trevor once she wasn't getting what she wants from him. She's a slut she'll move on to the next guy.

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