Kick Off

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C H A P T E R # 1

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm, I was dreading to wake up. Today was thge first day of school. After having my summer romance come to end you can say I'm kind of sad. This summer I did things I wouldn't usually do I dressed differently and I wore a little make-up.

Christian Tanner. He was all that was on my mind. I know I'll probably never see him again, but our summer together was best. He was a sweetheart. He also made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. See what I did there. He was so good he got me quoting Rihanna.
I got outta my bed, walked into my bathroom.

Undressing myself and getting in the shower. Thinking of how I'm a Senior this year, meaning I've got to work really hard if I want to get into Stanford.

I got outta the shower, I grabbed my sweats, and my white T- shirt. I never really cared about what I wore. It was what I wore all the time. I never wore make-up, it not that I didn't like it. It's just that I never saw the need to wear it everyday.

If I didn't have my long hair I'd probably be mistaken as a guy. I looked over to my clock and saw that I only have a half an hour before school starts. I quickly put, my clothes on.

I ran downstairs and grabbed the waffles my mom already made. I grabbed 2 waffles and began to eat them.

"Mom I might go to Adrianna's after school so I don't freak out if I'm not home" I told my mom while I was eating my waffles. I finished up my waffles

"I love you mom, bye" I said, then was out the door.
I walked over to my car and got inside. Turning on the car, I thought of how this year was probably be same as all the years. People looking at me as some nerd who doesn't do anything, but study.

I get to school, hop out of my car, and walk towards the school, and I see the usual cliques. Standing around with their usual groups. There's the geeks, the emos, the jocks, the cheerleaders, you get the point.

Walking over to my locker and I see my best friend Adrianna, and her group of friends. They're like the popular group of all the cliques, or as I like to call them 'The Bitches of East High'.

They Consist of Janessa Howard; She's the queen bee.

Kenzie and Kendall Hayes; They're the twins (might I add they don't even look alike, not even as sisters, or even related) they're also really dumb, Kenzie is a slut, while Kendall is the conservative one. I've always felt like Kendall didn't really hate me as much as Janessa and Kenzie did.

Then there's my very own Adrianna; She's the nice one, but she does anything they say even if it's mean; But she's been my best friend even if her friends hate me. Adrianna isn't a bitch, I don't really count her as a person in the popular group, although she is.

I grab my books and supplies for first period, and shut my locker. I'm walking to English, someone bumps into me; Literally like right in front of me, not to the side in front. I'm not completely invisible people.

Well because of this person I had dropped my things. I bent down to pick them up and the person had the nerve to say

"Watch where your going nerd".

I looked up and saw the one and only Trevor Jackson. He's the school's bad boy and player. No one ever messes with him. Girls practically throw themselves at him. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants. He doesn't doesn't have a group he hangs with like all the cliques in the school. He has just his partner in crime Dylan Parker.

"Don't gotta be a jerk about it, besides you bumbed into me" I mumbled thinking nobody heard me, but that was not the case.

"What did you say nerd" he said coming closer to me.

"N-n-nothing" I stuttered, getting nervous because he came closer to me

"That's what I thought nerd" he spat looking at me up then down, and walking away.

Ugh he thinks he's so intimidating just because he's so tall. I'm tall too, and he doesn't scare me. Well he kinda does, but not because of his height, its because of his attitude towards people. I do have this tendency to get nervous when people talk to me. The only person I feel comfortable with is Adrianna.

I made it to English and Adrianna is in this class too. "Hey girl, you ok I saw how Trevor being his rude self was talking to you"

"I'm fine, it's ok" I said taking a seat

"No it's not ok, you need to learn how to speak your mind and stand up for yourself, I know you have it in you" she said sitting right next to me

"I know I just .. get so nervous and scared to say anything back" I said opening up my book

"Oh you know what you need, you need a little makeover" she said excited

"Why do I need a makeover?" I questioned, confused at what she was getting at.

"You need a makeover because maybe it'll help make your inner self come out" she smiled

"Still don't get it, besides what is my inner self?" I asked

"Ugh, so what I'll do in the makeover is give you new style, and some tips on being confident. Your inner self is the bad girl"

"Oh so then I could probably stand up for myself and I'm not secretly a bad girl"

"Oh really, don't think I don't know you was messin' around with some dude this summer." my jaw dropped, she just smirked. First off how'd she find out I didn't even hang out much with her in the summer.

"W-w-what are you t-talking about" I stuttered

"Don't act all Miss Goody Two Shoe's with me, I know you ain't innocent. I bet you ain't even a virgin still" she said. This time instead of letting my mouth drop wide open, wondering how she knows all this I brought her down close to me.

"I don't know how you know all this stuff, but let me just make sure that this information stays just between you and I, clear?"

"Crystal, so what do you say?" she asked

"I don't know, I've gotta think about it" I said unsure if I should go along with it.

"Ok you think about it, but when you're ready come to my house and tell me" she said, then teacher walked into the class and began the lesson
Class was over and Adriana and I went our different ways. I went I grabbed my stuff for my next class, then Janessa walked up to me.

"I'm gonna need you start doing my homework again" she said looking down at her nails. I've doing Janessa's homework ever since I started high school, but I never had the guts to tell her off.

"No" I said sternly

"What?" she questioned my answer

"You heard me, I'm done doing your homework for you. Do your own homework, because I'm done" I said putting my hand on my hip, and happy that I finally stood up for myself.

"You'll regret talking back to me"

"What are you my mother" I raised my eyebrow

"What happened to you, just this morning you couldn't even say a few words without getting scared, and now talking like.. like-

"Like I'm better than you" I finished her sentence for her, while smirking at her

"You are NEVER gonna be better than me. What happened to that nerd girl I used to know? " she asked

"She's here, but she's just better than ever"
I grabbed my stuff and began walking off to my next class.

"Don't walk away from me" she said thinking that she can boss me around

"Watch me".

At the end of the day I walked over to Adrianna's house. I knocked on the door. She opened it up and looked at me.


"Makeover" I nodded
Heyyyyy Party People

The first chapter is done.

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Cover on the side done by twiizlers.

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