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C H A P T E R  2 5

I grabbed my keys, because I knew it takes a while to get to the hillside. I can't believe I'm giving this idiot a chance to explain himself, but considering the circumstances I deserve to know why he was being an ass. I thought I really liked him, then we go and cheat on each other. Here comes the worst part of the story. He goes and ignores me for more than 3 months. I thought we could at least be friends, but who am I kidding. Being friends with your ex never really happens.

I arrive at the hillside, park my car, and walk up the hill to see Trevor already standing there. He must of heard me walking up, because he turned around. His face lit up once he saw me.

"I'm so glad you came!" He said and he came up to me and hugged me. I didn't hug him back.

"I'm here so you can explain" I crossed my arms. I looked around and noticed that he had a blanket and a picnic basket on the ground. I'm guessing it's for us.

"Well, um.. Have a seat" he ushered me down. Once I was seated, and sat down across from me.

"Okay so the reason I've been ignoring is because Blocked ID threatened if I ever spoke to you, she- er, or he would expose a secret that would ruin my family, and I really can't let Blocked ID do that. Things just got back to normal, well for my mom and sister at least"

"What does she have against your family?" I said with my temper rising. She can't keep doing this to people "What's gonna ruin your family?" Trevor sighed

"Remember when I told you about my dad, and how he's out of prison. Well he apparently doesn't learn from his mistakes. He got drunk and another raped a girl, and then paid her to keep quiet. Sometimes I wonder why he can't fucking keep it in his pants" his temper rose.

"My mom and my little sister are really happy he's back. It's the first time I've seen her smile. She's forgiven him, from what he did in the past. She's really happy because of it. He's been putting a good front. He's been making his efforts to get back the 10 years he lost with my mom and Skylar, but not me of course because he hates me. The exact reason why, I don't know. He just tolerates me when we're around my mom and my sister. Other times he treats me like a piece of shit. I wonder what I did to make him hate me so much"

I can't believe, he's been through all this. His dad sounds like monster.

"If your dad shows this much hate to you, why do you care if Blocked ID, exposes him?"

"Because I don't want to ruin the little ounce of happiness my family has experienced, just because my dad fucked up again" he looked down "I'm really sorry. I know I hurt you, and for that I'm tremendously sorry. I really wanted to speak to you I really did, every time I tried I get a text message reminding me the consequences if I did"

"So why talk to me now?"

"Well because I haven't received a message from Blocked ID in a couple months now. I think it's done with me. So I took this opportunity to talk to you and explain everything"

I look down and sigh. He doesn't know "Trevor, I think I know who Blocked ID is" I said. His eyes widen

"I know it's Kenzie, and she's working with someone who is the mastermind of all these texts. I don't know, who she is, but I call her pink parka" he doesn't look that shocked, I think that thought might of crossed his mind a couple times "Anyway, there's a chance you're not off the hook for talking to me, because I heard Pink Parka say that she's taking a break from the texts for a couple months and she'll be back"

Worry quickly fills Trevor's eyes "There's a reason I landed in your arms today. Blocked ID pushed me expecting me to fall, but instead you were there so I think she saw you talking to me"

"Are you kidding me! And to think I thought I was safe. What do they want from me?" He put his head in his hands

"Isn't it obvious, this whole thing started because Kenzie wants you. Why do you think they are threatening you not to talk to me. She doesn't want a repeat of me being your fake girlfriend, so Kenzie would back off" I said in a 'duh' tone "Hasn't she asked you out yet?" I said confused

"Hundreds of times, and I reject her every time" he said proudly

"Well now you have to ask her out" I said


"Because maybe that's the reason she's taunting all of us, because we are preventing her to get to you. But if you ask he out, she'll think she's won. Once she thinks she's won-"

"She'll most likely stop messaging us" Trevor finishes my sentence


"Well, anyway now that we've got that cleared up, I just want you to know that I had no intention of hurting you, and I'm really sorry about kissing Adrianna. I had gone back to my old ways and I'm really sorry for that. I'm also very sorry for you loss, and I'm sorry I couldn't say it at the you needed friends the most"

I looked down "I'm really sorry too. I should've resisted kissing James. I shouldn't have tried to hurt you. It was wrong and I'm sorry"

"Can we just forget what had happened between us, and be friends?" He asked

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea". Now that Trevor has explained everything to me, it changes the way I see him. I lean over to hug him, I'm glad we understand each other now.

He immediately hugs me back. I took a deep breath and smelt Trevor. He always smelt so good.

Okay so I still have feelings for Trevor, those feelings never actually went away. They were hidden under anger and a broken heart. That's why when I got butterflies when he asked

"Can I kiss you?" I made a confused face

"I mean I know we're friends now, but I want one last kiss before we become like friends for a lifetime" he said. I smirked

"Okay, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. It's like a closure kiss" he smiled, and leaned in close to my face. I shut my eyes and lean in. His lips brush against mine. Then finally the plant themselves firmly on my lips. We kiss and the butterflies in my stomach have a dance party. He pulls me closer to him. I get so turned on by this electrifying kiss we are sharing, and his lips never left mine and his hands didn't roam. I hate how my body responds to him. I wanted so much more than what I was given. He then pulled away and took a deep breath.

"That last kiss was perfect, thank you" he said

"Your welcome" I said slightly disappointed.

"I hope this path to friendship will be pleasant" he said. He sounds like such a gentleman, but I guess he's been working on it.

"I hope so too"


What's good everyone?

I know most of you hate me right now for taking so long, I was on vacation mode for a while.

Anyway Zendaya and Trevor are friends for a lifetime now lol

How long do you think that's gonna last?

See ya

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