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Previously on The Bad Boy and I... It's Prom! Everyone has date and goes to the dance. Zendaya is on edge because she knows Blocked ID is at prom, but she can't find her. The nerves are at her, so she drank the cocktails served at Prom, a whole bunch of them. She started to feel tipsy and not herself. Dylan and Zendaya start feeling each other, and escape Prom to go somewhere private. But in the middle of making out she came to her senses and realized it was wrong, but it was too late to fix themselves up because Adrianna walked in on them in an compromising position. So they fight. Then Zendaya received a text, heard a laugh and followed where she heard it, and found out Blocked ID was Janessa.

"Why didn't I guess! you've hated me forever! For no reason at all!" I yell

"No reason! Oh I have a reason" she spat. "It all started in the 5th grade-"

"5th grade?! This was all because of some shit, in the fucking 5th grade. You've got to be fucking joking. Wow, you really are a petty bitch" I interrupted

"Yes this was all in the 5th grade, and you weren't in the picture, yet. When it was just Adrianna and I. We were the best of friends. We did everything together, and we were the closest. Then you were the stupid new girl in town and swooped Adrianna right in your trap. Then it was no longer the Adrianna and Janessa show, it was the Zendaya and Adrianna show. I felt like Adrianna was the only person who could understand me. With my father leaving as soon as times got tough, and my mother not giving two shits about me. The only person who knew what I was going through was Adrianna, because she was going through the same situation" I nodded, remember the drama with Adrianna's mom and dad, and the spilt. I didn't know Janessa was going through the same thing, maybe even worse.

"But then we slowly stopped hanging out as much because she was always with you. Of course Adrianna and I were still friends, but it wasn't like it used to be. By the time we started high school she was in my friend group, but she wasn't really apart of it" Oh yes the bitches of east high, that all ended after Janessa left.

"Since you took Adrianna from me, I decided to make sure the only person calling you by your real name was Adrianna, and I had everyone else call you nerd. It wasn't very creative, but it caught on. For some odd reason you were very intimidated by me. So I used that to my advantage, and I made you so my homework. Thanks to you I have a 3.7 GPA" she smirked. A tear slid down my face, when she told me that she was the reason everyone called me nerd. It was so dehumanizing. Back then it made me feel like I wasn't important. That I was such a big nothing that no one even cared to learn my name.

"But then of course that all came to an end when you grew balls and stood up to me, and not only that, but you had a whole new look and attitude. Then lucky for you I got sent to an awful boarding school because my mom found my birth control and condoms, and freaked out. For no reason, but she found a way out. So she wouldn't have to deal with me anymore. Sending me to boarding school was her best option."

"It wasn't my fault you got sent to boarding school" I told her.

"Oh I know sweetheart, but just because I went away doesn't mean I was done tormenting you" she took a step closer to me and smirked

"Before I was shipped off, I realized how bad a friend you were. And most definitely not good enough for Adrianna. This whole new you, made you forget the old loser you. Who had morals, and cared if she hurts her best friend, or would know when her best friend is uncomfortable"

"I did care when I hurt Adrianna, IT WAS A TERRIBLE MISTAKE!"

"Yeah, sure it was" she rolled her eyes. "I wanted to prove to everyone that you can't be trusted. It was unfortunate that I got shipped off so I could expose you in person, but it turns out it was way more fun anonymous" she smiled

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