Bad Girl vs. Player

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C H A P T E R # 3

I sat down next to Adrianna in my English class. She didn't even notice me, she was too busy talking to the top bitch. For a couple seconds Janessa made sure to look my way, and give me a hard glare. I roll my eyes at her attempt to make me afriad of her again

I pull out my stuff, then someone takes a seat next to me. I look up to see who it is.

"Hey sexy, I'm Jackson, Trevor Jackson. I'm guessing you're new since you kinda blew me off in hall out there" he smiled.

"Or maybe I didn't want to be bothered by someone like you" I said annoyed

"Sexy, every girl wants me" he smirked

"Well this girl doesn't, and stop calling me sexy. I have a name you know"

"What's your name then?"he asked


"Well Zendaya, do you want me to show you around? Since your new you would want to know where everything is" he asked

"No thanks I'm good" I replied

"Great, we'll go- wait I did hear correctly? Did you just say no?" he asked

"Yeah why?"

"Why? no one tells me no. I mean look at me, how could anyone say no to this" he said pointing to himself

"Hmm, well it looks like I just did"

"You need to be shown around new girl, and I offered so-

"Who told you I was new, I've been here since freshmen year"

"No you haven't, I would've seen you around. You're not hard to miss" he said eyeing me up then down once again.

I rolled my eyes. The teacher began the lesson; I thought that make him leave me alone, but I was wrong. He keep poking me, and saying my name. It was so hard to focus when he's constantly poking me.

"What do you want?" I whisper shouted

"Your number babe" he licked his lips

"Buzz off Jackson" I spat annoyed

"Ooh fiesty, I like it" he smiled "but babe Imma need them digits"

"Ok, but give me your number first, so I know which calls to ignore"

He just laughed.

"Mr. Jackson do you want to explain to the class what is so funny?" Ms. Hobby asked

"You" he bluntly replied. The whole class just started to laugh, even I had a few giggles.

"Mr. Jackson you can now excuse yourself out into the hall, for the rest of class" she said

"Gladly" he said getting up and going. Ms. Hobby gave us the rest of the time work on the classwork. Adrianna turned her head over to me and said

"So I saw you and Trevor talking"

"More like he was talking and I was being annoyed" I said while writing some answers down on my paper

"Does he remember you?" she asked

"Nope, why would he? That would invole him pay attention to something other than himself"

"True" she said realizing I had a point

The bell rang and class was over. I gave Adrianna a hug, then went out of the classroom. I walked over to my locker and put my stuff in it. Then a pair of arms made their way just under my crop top and around my waist.

"Sexy, I still didn't get your number" he whispered in my ear. I turned around, and he still held me tightly against him

"Remove your arms from my waist, or I will take them and shove 'em up your ass" I said sweetly. He dropped his arms to his side

"Oh you like to play it rough, I can play rough if you know what I mean" he smirked. I mentally threw up.

"We probably wouldn't be able to play rough because you have a small dick" I smiled when his smirk faded "Maybe your dick wouldn't be so small if you didn't take 3/4 of it, and shove it up your personality"

"My dick is anything, but small. I could show you if you'd like, you know for proof" his smirk once again appeared on his face.

"No thanks, now if you'll excuse me I've got to get to class" I said pushing him aside, the second time today.

I was half way to my next class when Kenzie pushed me to the side. "Ugh What do you want, Can I just get to class without being stopped by someone"

"So I saw you getting real close to Trevor, well back off he's mine" she spat

"You can have him, I never wanted him in the first place"

"Oh please don't give me that, everyone girl wants him. Just stay away from him-"

"Or what?" I asked

"Or I'll tell everyone about the real you. I'll even add few extra details. Because this" she said pointing at me "Is all an act your putting up so you'll become popular. Well news flash nerd it isn't gonna work".

"So basically you're gonna start rumors about me. At least you'll be spreading something other than you're legs" I smirked as her mouth dropped open

"Spread whatever rumor you want, I don't give a damn about what you or anyone else say" I said, her mouth still wide open. She's surprised I talked back to her.

"Close your mouth you might catch flies" she immediatly clsoed her mouth

"I've gotta class to get to so if you'll excuse me"


I was at my house in my room after school. Today was very successful if you ask me. I did pretty good job. I just said everything that popped in head. My phone began to ring and I looked at the caller ID. It was Adrianna.

"Hey girl, what's up" I said as I answered the phone.

"I heard that you told off Kenzie"

I giggled remembering what I said to her

"Yeah I did, but you should've seen her face though, she was totally shocked"

"Ha she was going off about it during gym, she told me everything you said. Can I say that was pretty impressive. I'm gonna have to use that comeback sometime" she said

"I know. Today I was spitting out comebacks, I surprised myself"

"I didn't think you had it in you. I'm proud of Daya"

"Thanks Anna"

"So did Trevor bother you after English class, or did he give up on you"

"No. He actually came to my locker-" I then saw an incoming call from an unknown number.

"Hold on, Anna someone's calling me" I put Anna on hold and answered the other call


"What's up Sexy"


What's Gucci.

Updated, YAY.

Zendaya has some good comebacks am I right?

You probably know who the unknown caller is.

Cover on the side made by heaven_hope

See y'all next Tuesday

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