Chapter 17

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~No one's P.O.V.~

        Jessie eyes slowly opened and immediately squinted in response to the bright sunlight. 'Crap, I passed out,' she sighed in her head. 'I've been doing that a lot these past couple of days..' She tried to sat up, but winced when her waist started to scream in pain. Her wound had been patched up with bandage wrap, but blood was visible through it. Jessie decided to ignore the pain and sat up slower. She rested her back on the bed headboard. When she did she found out that someone had changed her into new clothes: a plain short sleeve white shirt paired with a long purple skirt. 'Where am I anyways..?' Jessie thought as she looked around. She mentally facepalmed when she realized where. It was the same place that trio and the flying cat came from. The guild Fairy Tail, she believed it was called. 'Speaking of those kids..' Jessie slightly smiled to see Erza soundly sleeping on a chair in front of her bed. 'I wonder how long she's been waiting..'

        "Awake child?" Instinctively, Jessie smiled brightly but was dissapointed to see a pink haired old lady.

        'Sheesh, does everyone greet someone like that?' Jessie thought sadly, remembering that that was how Mizula always greeted her every morning.

        "A-ano..." Jessie stuttered. She had no idea if they were still mad at her for how she behaved. It had been a long time since Jessie had actually interacted with other people. The last one was Arina, and she wasn't like normal people.

        "Mm, don't worry about it," the old lady waved off. Jessie was surprised that she knew what she was worried about. "My name is Porlyusica. What's yours?"

        "J-Jessie," she answered quietly.

        "How old are you Jessie?" Porlyusica asked gently. Normally, she would be rude like always, but she felt kind of...calm around her. Jessie was about to answer when her wound started acting up again. Jessie looked down to see that the bleeding had started again. Porlyusica walked up to her to treat her, but Jessie stopped her.

        "I got this," she smiled confidently. The medic looked at her weirdly, but stepped back. Jessie looked around for supplies, and found some healing mixtures on a table a couple yards away from her. Porlyusica had used that on her and left it there for situations like this. Jessie squinted her eyes and concentrated right at the liquid in those beakers. 'Move to my will!' Jessie commanded in her mind, and as if obeying, the different liquids started to hover. In response to the use of magic, Erza woke up.

        "Who, what--" She was stopped cold when she saw levitating liquids floating towards Jessie.

        "Hmm, eto, this should mix with this.." Jessie thought out loud. "This is snow lily essence correct?" Porlyusica slowly nodded, astonished by how such a young girl could have both the knowledge and power to do this, especially since she didn't even have the physical energy to stand! "Just mix that with the holy water, and then just one more thing.." A cup made out of crystal clear ice appeared in her hand and she put the lavender purple mixture into the cup.

        "Done!" Jessie announced, proudly holding the cup in her hand. With a flick of her free hand, the remaining chemicals returned to their beakers. Jessie then slowly drank the whole mixture. When she was done, she wiped her mouth with her hand and made the cup disappear. Biting her lip in suspense, Jessie carefully unwrapped her bandages to see that her wound had completely disappeared. "Success!" she cheered, but then realized that both Porlyusica and Erza were gawking at her. Jessie blushed, a bit embarressed.

        "W-where did you learn magic and medicine child?" Porlyusica asked after gain her composure.

        "From books," Jessie simply replied. "And..from, a special person." Jessie trusted these people, but she would sound crazy if she said that she was taught magic from dragons.

        "Books..?" Erza and Porlyusica sweatdropped in unison.

        "Do you have any more?" Jessie asked. It's been a while since she read a book, and at this point she was really craving to cram her head with more information.

        "U-uh, we have a whole library in the basement..." Erza replied hesitantly. Jessie's eyes glimmered in excitement.

        "A whole library??" she squealed. She was about to jump out of bed, but then she remembered that the mixture she drank only healed the wound itself, not the pain. Instead, she slowly turned to the side of the bed and casted another spell. "Ice Make: Crutches!" She chanted, and a pair of crutches made out of ice appeared. Jessie picked it up and used it to support herself as she carefully set her foot down on the plank wood floor.

        "S-sugoi..." Erza said out loud.

        "M-matte (wait)," Porlyusica stopped Jessie. "Are you a multi magic mage?" Jessie blinked a couple times. It had been a while since someone last asked her that. However, she got impatient and decided to just say it already.

        "Yes, I am," Jessie answered quickly and quickly crutch-walked passed Porlyusica and out the room, only to be met with the strong scent of booze and a burnt chair flying past her head.

        "What did you call me Ice Princess?!" The salmon haired boy growled. Oh right, they told Jessie their names: Natsu and Gray.

        "I called you Flame Brain! Like the new nickname?!" Gray smirked back.

        "Why you!!" At that moment a very angry Erza brushed past Jessie, who sweatdropped at the sight of her. She could sense a VERY dark aura glooming around her as she stomped towards the two boys. When they noticed, they both held each other and shook in fear.

        "You two..almost..HIT JESSIE!!" Erza growled, look down upon them.

        "S-sumimasen!!" They both shivered. Jessie smiled and shook her head.

        'This is a very lively guild..' she thought to herself. 'Kinda how I imagined..' A wave of sadness wash over her as she remembered how she used to always dream of joining her father's guild, but then she remembered something that made her forget about her sadness. 'I almost forgot about the library!' She quickly crutch-walked through the chaos and down the stairs to the greatest collection of books she ever saw at that moment of her life (even though it was short at the time).

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